The Free Press Journal

YOUR DAY Word Search


- By Vinayak Vishwas Karandikar

Study, enjoy time with family, and expand

business. Domestic & love life:

A family picnic with family is on the cards.

Health: Diabetic people should take care of their diet.

Lucky no: 3

Lucky colour: Yellow

TAURUS: Today is the day for having fun.

Domestic & love life: Dispute with younger sibling or spouse is indicated.

Health: Some people may suffer from skin or eye problems.

Lucky no: 8

Lucky colour: Black, blue

GEMINI: Today is the day to enjoy, travel, and spend.

Domestic & love life: Enjoy long journeys, picnics, or movies with family.

Health: Some people may suffer from eye problems.

Lucky no: 9

Lucky colour: Red

CANCER: Take care of health, travel, invest, and study wisely.

Domestic & love life: Dispute with / hospitaliz­ation of family members is indicated

Health: some people may suffer from diabetes or extreme fatigue.

Lucky no: 6

Lucky colour: Pink

LEO: Today is the day to travel and enjoy your work.

Domestic & love life: Fun time or travel with family is indicated. Health: You may suffer from knee, shoulder, and foot pain.

Lucky no: 2

Lucky colour: Silver, white

VIRGO: Today is the day to enjoy and study.

Domestic & love

life: A happy family life is indicated.

Health: People may suffer from knee problems or diabetes.

Lucky no: 5

Lucky colour: Green

LIBRA: Day to travel, communicat­e, and work with caution.

Domestic & love life: Dispute with spouse or father indicated.

Health: Knee pain or diabetes is indicated.

Lucky no: 5

Lucky colour: Green

SCORPIO: Day to communicat­e with caution as loss is indicated.

Domestic & love life: Dispute with family members is indicated.

Health: Some people may suffer from hernia or eye problems.

Lucky no: 3

Lucky colour: Yellow, saffron


will achieve success after some struggle.

Domestic & love life: Disputes with family members are indicated.

Health: Some people may suffer from stomach pain.

Lucky no: 1

Lucky colour: Orange


Today is the day to enjoy and work.

Domestic & love life: Dispute in a relationsh­ip is indicated.

Health: Some people may suffer from skin disease, back pain or eye problems.

Lucky no: 6

Lucky colour: Pink

AQUARIUS: Day to enjoy and learn.

Domestic & love life: A party is expected in the house.

Health: Some people may suffer from diabetes or back pain.

Lucky no: 7

Lucky colour: Grey Cal

Can you find the words connected in one way or the other with the theme indicated by the title in today's Word Search?

The words may be read horizontal­ly, vertically or diagonally either forwards or backwards, but always in straight lines. Use a ruler to cross them through as you find them. Biblical

PISCES: Day to enjoy and study.

Domestic & love

life: Picnic or fun time with family is indicated.

Health: Eye problems, throat or back pain indicated today.

Lucky no: 9

Lucky colour: Red




Cynical Ducal Ethical Fiscal Focal Helical Logical Lyrical

Magical Medical Musical Optical Pascal Radical Rascal Stoical Topical Typical Vocal

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