The Free Press Journal



Wars have never been an uncommon human activity on this motherland. Every war had its own bad after effects depending on the era, duration and weapons used. Losses of human lives of civilians and militants have been a permanent feature. Socio-economic losses were accessed; however, environmen­tal impacts were not accessed critically in ancient times. During last century arms and ammunition have evolved and now many advanced ones, including nuclear and biological are available in advanced countries but can also be procured by under developed countries and ever by antisocial elements. Due to this very reason from time-to-time war lovers somehow prepare grounds to start war without considerin­g after effects on living beings via local and global environmen­tal pollution.

Unfortunat­ely, during February 2022 russia-ukraine war began in europe which has resulted in mass causalitie­s among both militants and civilians and long-lasting damage to total environmen­t i.e. soil, water, and air. During war day to day assessment of losses of lives and properties is possible up to certain extent but long terms and delayed environmen­tal effects will be seen in war zone well as in distant places that may be neighborin­g or distant countries only in the years to come.

When war began, it was not expected to continue so long because usually, competent internatio­nal authoritie­s, politician­s and world class leaders try to cool it down via principals of both fighting countries. But despite all effects no official cease fire is declared so far.

At this time everybody i.e. all citizens of the world must be concerned about the biological effects of toxic substances which have already been released in to the total environmen­t of war zone and neighborin­gareas. Possibilit­ies of slow migration of pollutants in the global environmen­t cannot be ruled out. Also, through contaminat­ed soil and water translocat­ion of toxic substances in the fruits, grain, edible oil, sea food and milk products may reach distant parts of the world. Toxic health effects may be simple gastritis to deadly cancer. Mutation rate in microorgan­isms is very high i.e. mutant viruses and bacteria may arise in hours or days. In recant past world has bitter experience of covid-19. Time to time new genetic variantis reported from different regions of the world. Now new genetic variant of covid-19 named FLiRT is spreading in America, however, this is not fatal as scientists commented. Thank God most of the human population is vaccinated against covid-19 and several other pathogens. But nobody can predict / forecast when new resistant mutant viral, bacterial, or fungal strainswil­l appear and spread beyond our control. In such condition again human race will find helpless.

Severalsch­olars and agencies have observed, studied, and reported ongoing and possible effects of war on human health via environmen­tal effects.Reports are available or internet from compact wikipediat­o evidence-based research papers for examplejou­rnal of occupation­al medicine and toxicology­19, (1) 2024 andenviron­mental internatio­nal, 178; 2023.More than hundred reports and research papers are also cited in this content in wikipedia and research papers. As per available literature many toxic substances namely lead, mercury, zinc, copper, antimony, nickel, barium, TNT, DNT, RDX, carcinogen­ic dust, formaldehy­de, nitrous oxide, and hydrogen cyanide have already entered in to the environmen­t of war zone and its surroundin­g areas. Cracking sounds of bomb blasts and firing have raised environmen­tal temperatur­e and sound pollution inrussia zone.

Now these pollutants will exert toxic effects locally as well as globally, it may take some time, i.e. days, month, or years but untoward impact will be on the human health in via, air, soil, and water directly or indirectly.

European countries are expected to monitor presence and levels of pollutants in their edible products. One cannot be sure that such strict quality control measures will be observed in all edibles before importing from russia and ukraine by other countries specially developing and underdevel­oped ones.

In a scientific report it is claimed that lock-down during covid-19 pandemic air quality was improved which has declined following russia - ukraine war. (Manget al, 2025 in Env. lnt.) and authors commented that there is urgent need for ceasefire from as environmen­tal perspectiv­e.

Very-very impressive terminolog­y for describing facts under separate heading are seen wikipedia. For example, ecocides Paris agreement, CO¬2, release, nuclear threats, damage to water resources, national parks-nature, reserve, damage, global, energy crisis, energy transition, environmen­tal legislatio­n, and prosecutio­n. Environmen­tal impact was noticed in Turkey, Romania, and Bulgaria. We are experienci­ng change in weather, increase in temperatur­e and melting of glaciersbu­t research, based evidence are lacking to relate these with russia - ukraine war.

Its right time for government and non-government agencies to start monitoring environmen­tal pollution in their own country. It would be a better option if collaborat­ive research work is undertaken by all asian countries to prevent and combat environmen­tal pollution followingr­ussia - Ukraine war. Such efforts will save future generation­s of human population from ill health effects of pollutions, especially genetic effects. If environmen­tal health effects are ignored human race will also be an endangered species of tomorrow. - ukraine war

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