The Free Press Journal

STs want Centre to fulfill demand of political reservatio­n promise


The Mission Political Reservatio­ns for the Scheduled Tribes has on Saturday demanded that the BJP-led NDA government should fulfill the demand of political reservatio­n guaranteed to the Scheduled Tribe community in recently held Lok Sabha elections.

In fact, with Prime Minister Narendra Modi returning back to power after the Lok Sabha polls, the Mission Political Reservatio­n for Scheduled Tribes of Goa has vowed to continue to pursue the demand of getting political reservatio­n and to reserve seats for Scheduled Tribes in the Goa Assembly.

Addressing the media, Mission president Adv John Fernandes recalled that in the

run up to the May 7 Lok Sabha polls, the Union Cabinet on March 7, 2024 had given a nod to introduce ‘Readjustme­nt of Representa­tion of Scheduled Tribes in Assembly Constituen­cies of the State of Goa Bill, 2024. In fact, he pointed out that following the Cabinet decision, leaders of the Goa

BJP unit had gone on a celebratio­n mode, declaring the Cabinet decision as ‘Modi Ki Guarantee’, by promising the Scheduled Tribes community that the party will fulfill the promise once the NDA government comes to power at the Centre. “Now that the BJP led NDA government has already formed a government at the Centre and with Prime Minister Narendra Modi sworn in as PM once again, the Mission would like to remind the Goa government and the Prime Minister to fulfill his promise made to the ST community of Goa by introducin­g the necessary law in the Parliament or by introducin­g an Ordinance so that the process to reserve the seats for Scheduled Tribes in Goa can be started,” John stated.

He, however, has raised serious reservatio­ns over the proposed ‘Readjustme­nt of Representa­tion of Scheduled Tribes in Assembly Constituen­cies of the State of Goa Bill, 2024, fearing “if introduced would supersede all the previously published figures by Registrar General of India, Census Commission­er, etc.”

 ?? ?? Leaders of the Mission Political Reservatio­ns for the Scheduled Tribes demanding introducti­on and passage of Bill in Parliament to give political reservatio­ns for the Goa ST communitie­s. Santosh Mirajkar
Leaders of the Mission Political Reservatio­ns for the Scheduled Tribes demanding introducti­on and passage of Bill in Parliament to give political reservatio­ns for the Goa ST communitie­s. Santosh Mirajkar

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