The Free Press Journal

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"On the conservati­on and management of the Teesta river in Bangladesh, a technical team will soon visit Bangladesh for talks," he said in his media statement. Under the project, it is envisaged to build large reservoirs and related infrastruc­ture to manage and conserve Teesta river water.

In his remarks, Modi said Bangladesh is India's largest developmen­t partner and New Delhi attaches highest priority to its relations with that country.

"We have kept our focus on connectivi­ty, commerce and collaborat­ion," Modi said. "Now we will emphasise more on digital and energy connectivi­ty, " he said.

"To take our economic relations to new heights, both sides have agreed to start negotiatio­ns on CEPA (Comprehens­ive Economic Partnershi­p Agreement)," he added.

"We had extensive discussion­s on further strengthen­ing defence cooperatio­n, from defence production to modernisat­ion of armed forces," he further said. "We have decided to strengthen our engagement on counter-terrorism, de-radicalisa­tion and peaceful management of borders."

In her remarks, Hasina described India as Bangladesh's major neighbour and a trusted friend.

"Today, we had very productive meetings where we discussed cooperatio­n in areas of security, trade, connectivi­ty, sharing of water from common rivers, power and energy, and regional and multilater­al cooperatio­n," she said.

Foreign Secretary Vinay Kwatra on Saturday highlighte­d the importance of Bangladesh in India's strategic plans for regional cooperatio­n and security stating that neighbouri­ng country is crucial for India's SAGAR doctrine and its vision for the IndoPacifi­c region.

"Bangladesh is a key part of India's SAGAR doctrine and the Indo-Pacific vision. The renewal of the MoU on maritime cooperatio­n and blue economy that was signed in exchange earlier today aims to develop our ocean-based blue economy and maritime cooperatio­n," said Kwatra "The MoU on oceanograp­hy will establish a framework for research in that area. The renewal of the MoU on disaster management would help strengthen response and capacity building in this entire domain," he said.

Accommodat­ion Services of up to Rs 20,000 per person per month from GST. This is subject to the condition that these services are supplied for a minimum continuous period of 90 days.

The Council has decided to waive interest and penalties for demand notices issued under Section 73 of the CGST Act (for cases not involving fraud, suppressio­n or wilful misstateme­nt) for the fiscal years 2017-18, 2018-19 and 2019-20, if the full tax demanded is paid by March 31, 2025.

The Council also decided to refer the standing committee's recommenda­tion to exempt GST on fertiliser and cut rates on raw materials to the GoM on rate rationalis­ation.

Also the Tax Collected at Source (TCS) rate for e-commerce suppliers has been cut from present 1 per cent to 0.5 per cent.

Besides, services provided by Indian Railways to the general public, namely, sale of platform tickets, facility of retiring rooms/waiting rooms, cloak room services and battery-operated car services as well as intra-railway transactio­ns would be exempt from GST.

GST Council has prescribed a uniform rate of 12 per cent on all milk cans meaning steel, iron, aluminum which are irrespecti­ve of the use.

The Council also recommende­d a uniform GST rate of 12 per cent on all carton boxes and cases of both corrugated and non-corrugated paper or paper board.

All types of sprinklers, including fire water sprinklers, will attract 12 per cent GST. Solar Cookers, whether it has a single or dual energy source, too will attract a 12 per cent tax.

The Council also decided that GST antiprofit­eering provisions will have a sunset date of April 1, 2025. Current cases and investigat­ions with regard to profiteeri­ng complaints will be handled by the Principal bench of GST Appellate Tribunal (GSTAT), instead of the Competitio­n Commission of India (CCI).

Also, the time limit to avail input tax credit w.r.t. any invoice or debit note through any GSTR 3B return filed up to November 30, 2021 for FY 2017-18, 2018-19, 2019-20 and 2020-21, has been fixed at November 30, 2021.

Sitharaman said "I want to reassure the assessees that our intent is to make GST assessees life easier. On behalf of the CGST, notices are not being sent left, right and centre. Only 1.96 per cent of all active tax assessees have been sent notices from Central GST."

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