The Free Press Journal

BoM pays dividend of ₹857 cr to FM for FY24

- Staff Reporter PUNE

Bank of Maharashtr­a (BoM), a premier public sector bank in the country, paid a dividend cheque of `857.16 crore for the financial year 2023-24 to Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on Friday. The dividend was presented by Nidhu Saxena, MD & CEO of BoM, along with Asheesh Pandey, Executive Director, and Santosh Dular, in-charge of NBCA at BoM, in the presence of Vivek Joshi, Secretary, Department of Financial Services, Government of India.

BoM declared a dividend of `1.40 per equity share (14 per cent) for FY24. This dividend payment reflects the bank’s impressive financial performanc­e during the fiscal year. The bank’s net profit for FY 2023-24 increased by 55.84%, reaching `4,055 crore compared to `2,602 crore in the previous fiscal year.

BoM has been consistent­ly performing well and has topped the chart of PSBs in terms of total business and deposit mobilisati­on with strong fundamenta­l indicators. The bank recorded a 15.94% increase in total business and a 15.66% increase in deposit mobilisati­on for FY 2023-24.

BoM’s remarkable financial performanc­e year on year demonstrat­es its position as an integral player in the banking sector. The bank has consistent­ly shown resilience and adaptabili­ty to changing market dynamics, enabling it to remain at the forefront in terms of service delivery and customer satisfacti­on.

BoM’s performanc­e reflects the dedication and efforts of its employees, as well as the effectiven­ess of its strategic decisions and operationa­l policies undertaken by the bank. This has helped the bank maintain its profit and growth trajectory with a strong focus on digitisati­on and ease of banking. Currently, BoM has a wide range of branch networks with more than 2,500 branches and 2,206 ATMs operating through 28 states and 7 Union Territorie­s.

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