The Free Press Journal

Bellasis ROB to shut down for 18 mths

- Aishwarya Iyer MUMBAI

The 131-year-old Bellasis Rail Over Bridge (ROB) at Mumbai Central will be closed for 18 months, beginning June 24. In the coming months, the railway portion of the bridge will be demolished and rebuilt by the Western Railway and the approaches will be rebuilt by the BMC. This crucial ROB connects Vasantrao Naik Chowk in the west to Dr Anandrao Nair Marg in the east.

Railway officials have said that the ROB’s closure will block connectivi­ty to the main booking office of Mumbai Central railway station from the west. Therefore, a temporary lightweigh­t foot over bridge (FOB) with an escalator will be built to the north side of Bellasis ROB. This temporary FOB will be the first of its kind in the Mumbai suburban area, expected to be complete by the end of July. Until this new FOB is ready, the north side footpath of the ROB will be kept open for pedestrian­s only.

As an alternativ­e to the ROB, the Mumbai traffic police have announced a new vehicular diversion – from Mumbai Central Junction, via DB Marg Navjeevan Junction, to Diana Bridge, which ends up at the Tardeo Circle Junction. Motorists from the Tardeo Circle Junction can use the same route using Diana Bridge Navjivan Junction and turn left to Dr DB Marg towards Mumbai Central.

Special traffic instructio­ns include no parking or halting on either side of Diana Bridge, which is also called Pathe Bapurao Road. Similar rules apply on S Swaraj Chowk (Navjeevan Junction) as well, the notificati­on by Pradnya Jedge, Deputy Commission­er of Police (traffic, south) said.

The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay, in its report in March, said that the bridge needs to be dismantled and rebuilt. “The traffic over the bridge should be closed with immediate effect and the bridge reconstruc­ted on an urgent basis,” the report had advised. In May, the railway authoritie­s installed height barricades at both ends of the bridge to prevent heavy vehicles from entering it.

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