The Free Press Journal

Guidelines and inspiring examples

Mastering theme home decor:

- Anwesha Barari

What exactly do we mean by theme home decor? It is a very interestin­g and novel concept. Just like we have theme parties, theme restaurant­s, some interior decoration ideas make use of the concept of a single theme to design the entire house. Every single component of your home will be connected to or rather according to this theme. The wall decorating ideas will have to match with your furniture and that would have to go with the curtains you use. To understand the concept of theme decor more clearly, you need guidelines and some relevant examples. Here are some.

Just because every -thing in this kind of decor has to match it does not mean that you have to buy out the profile decoration­s you see in furniture stores. You can still use your own interior decoration ideas to mix and match.

However, the essential thing is to have a stream of thought behind every single piece of furniture or any thing that you keep in your house. If you are following a theme then the articles in your house must be compatible with the theme even if they are not directly connected to each other.

This can be understood better with an example. In case you have chosen a rustic home decor then you cannot have anything modern or contempora­ry in your home. Your furniture must be either cane or unpolished wood. Your wall decorating ideas should be based on handicraft­s and rural arts like burnt clay models.

Theme decor could also mean something more specific like color combinatio­ns; example black and white. In this case you can choose just about any design of furniture but it has to match the color coordinati­on rules. The couch, the dining table, your wall colour are all subject to these guidelines.

This kind of decor could also have a broader classifica­tion like Victorian decor. It will include everything starting from high ceilings to paintings and ached furniture. The colours you use too have to be very English, like mauve, light brown, lavender etc.

However if your decor idea is something vague like ethnic decor then it is very difficult to make these rules and abide by them. It raises questions like ethnic from which time and which region? You need to be specific enough to have a boundary but liberal enough to have space to work on.

You cannot say traditiona­l California decor but you can have a traditiona­l Southern decor. Never be so stuck up about matching everything that it becomes monotonous. You need to play with variety within limitation­s.

So basically you make the rules of this decor but you are honour bound to follow them. You have to accommodat­e your interior decoration ideas within the dictates of these rules and be innovative. There has to be some method to madness.

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