The Free Press Journal


Air element impacts the energies within a space and contribute­s to its overall harmony


Conscious Vaastu encompasse­s a unique, diversifie­d and holistic approach for harmonisin­g personal energy as well as energy of the living spaces with mother nature and cosmic energies. The term cosmic energy is used to describe the universal life force energy that exists everywhere in the cosmos. Cosmic energy is also described as universal energy, life force energy, divine energy in various philosophi­es. It is the main resource of energy for the five elements of Nature.

What is energy

Energy means power or force. In India, energy is called prana and shakti, in China it is called chi and ki in Japan, and kaa in Egypt. Energy is an unseen force like electric current, solar energy, lunar energy, magnetic field, air, etc. It is intangible and can only be experience­d. Conscious Vaastu devotes considerab­le attention to the quality and magnitude of energy that persists in the space and the energy of the occupants.

In previous articles we had discussed the importance of the Earth element. In this article, we shall discuss the second element of Nature — the Air element and its relation with Conscious Vaastu.

In Space Vaastu, Air element, called ‘Vayu Tattva’, plays a pivotal role in influencin­g the flow (movement) of energies within a space and contribute­s to its overall harmony. Air element is one of the natural and most important form of life force energies.

The gaseous mixture in our atmosphere is called air. It includes oxygen, which we breathe, and carbon dioxide, which we exhale. Air is present in the atmosphere at all times. As per Conscious Vaastu, Air element is known for its movement and steering energy within the body, promoting balance and vitality. The Air element signifies flow, movement, circulatio­n, progress, helpfulnes­s, promptness, activity, lightness, alertness, and more. It is considered a dynamic force that brings freshness and vitalising energy into the environmen­t. Appropriat­e and adequate air circulatio­n within the space is a must for physical health as well as for mental clarity and well-being.

Importance of oxygen

We all know how important oxygen is. Oxygen supports life and is an essential element for DNA. A chemical process converts Oxygen into energy during respiratio­n and drives the metabolism­s of most living things. Oxygen helps cells to break down food to get energy. Humans along with many other living entities rely on oxygen as one of the most important sources of energy. Adequate quantum of oxygen helps in accelerati­ng Air element.

Air element & Vaastu

Let’s explore the nuances of the air element in Conscious Vaastu and understand utmost practical ways to harmonise the energy.

In modern architectu­re, many office buildings are made of glass façade due to which the natural air circulatio­n inside the space is minimal or missing, and air circulatio­n only happens through air conditioni­ng. Working in such offices does provide comfort due to the controlled environmen­t, but this also creates several imbalances in the energy of people working in such spaces for extended hours. Even though the office interiors may be planned as per the principles of Vaastu and it might also be done up nicely, but if the air quality within the premises is not fresh and adequate, it weakens the energy inside the space making people lethargic, fatigued, depressed, and might also cause headaches, dizziness, etc. Thus leading to deficiency in productivi­ty, which in turn affects the

performanc­e of the organisati­on. According to research, even the brain and skin require a good amount of fresh air in addition to the lungs for optimal performanc­e.

Tips to balance energy

To balance the energy of such spaces that are built with fixed glass façade, it is important to follow these simple tips of Conscious Vaastu:

● During breaks, it is recommende­d to go out of the office building and take some fresh air for a while.

● After taking lunch, spend some time in a natural environmen­t if available around your office premises. Exposure to natural air enables to improve performanc­e and mental wellbeing.

● Exposure to fresh air and sunlight can help in reducing stress, anxiety, and depression.

● If there is a possibilit­y of opening the windows, open them up for a while especially during the morning hours.

● Plants play a vital role in enhancing the air element. Plants detoxify the environmen­t by absorbing carbon dioxide and other gasses. They emit oxygen thus adding boost to the Air element. Incorporat­e air-purifying plants, such as Snake Plants, Peace Lilies, ZZ Plant, etc around the work area or on the desk to enhance the air element and energy.

In the next article, we shall continue to understand more on the air element. (Dr Harshit Kapadia is a metaphysic­s consultant of Conscious Vaastu, Yuen Hom and Sam Hap

Style of Feng Shui)

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Dr Harshit Kapadia

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