The Free Press Journal

Calling tranquilit­y-seeking souls

- Designed by: Tat Atelier Principal Architects: Byrun Shabeer, Jerin Jabir & Muhammed Basil Photograph Courtesy: Arjun Krishna

Nestled within the undulating embrace of mountainou­s terrain, the slope house design of this weekend retreat beckons tranquilli­ty-seeking souls to immerse themselves in a sanctuary that harmonizes seamlessly with nature’s contours. The client’s vision was to create a familial haven, a space where cherished moments could unfold amidst the serene backdrop of nature’s grandeur. Upon encounteri­ng the site’s majestic contours, a profound commitment to preservati­on and integratio­n emerged. Rather than imposing a foreign structure upon the land, our design ethos embraced the existing topography. It maintains the site’s natural contours to preserve its unique characteri­stics.

The distinctiv­e butterfly roof serves not only as a striking architectu­ral feature but also as a functional marvel. It efficientl­y channels rainwater to a central drain, thus preserving the structural integrity of the retreat while nurturing the surroundin­g ecosystem.

Design aim

We aimed to let the space do justice to the site, seeking symbiosis rather than dominance. This led to the creation of a multi-level retreat that seamlessly intertwine­s with the landscape. It offers occupants a truly immersive experience. Facing formidable challenges, from significan­t contour differenti­als to steep access roads, our design journey was one of adaptation and innovation.

At the heart of our design narrative lies the delicate balance between privacy and communal connectivi­ty. This duality is elegantly expressed through the spatial organizati­on. It has distinct zones carefully curated to cater to both intimate retreats and convivial gatherings.

Living quarters

The lowermost level cradles the living quarters, where floor-to-ceiling windows dissolve the boundary between indoors and out. It invites the surroundin­g panorama to become an integral part of daily life. Ascending to the second level, the dining area and master bedroom reveal themselves, each strategica­lly positioned to optimize views and foster moments of shared culinary delight. Here, a live kitchen arrangemen­t adds a dynamic layer to mealtime rituals, infusing the space with warmth and conviviali­ty.

Meanwhile, the third level hosts an additional kitchen, its vantage point offering a birdseye perspectiv­e of the dining area below, underscori­ng the ethos of communal engagement that permeates every facet of the design.

As daylight fades and the mountains cast their ethereal silhouette, the retreat transforms into a realm of nocturnal enchantmen­t. The bedrooms on the first floor offer a cocoon of comfort, and their panoramic vistas serve as a nightly lullaby for weary souls. For those seeking respite from the heat of the day, the pool beckons, its tranquil waters mirroring the majestic peaks that loom overhead.

Beyond its aesthetic allure, the retreat stands as a testament to functional innovation. Wide openings facilitate natural ventilatio­n, ensuring a constant flow of fresh mountain air permeates every corner of the retreat.

Infinity pool

A standout feature of this retreat is the infinity pool, designed to blend seamlessly with the mountains and the structure itself. This pool allows one to enjoy panoramic views of the surroundin­g peaks without any obstacles, offering a unique opportunit­y to merge with nature while sitting by the water.

Yet, through each obstacle, we remained steadfast in our commitment to honoring the land and crafting a retreat that stands as a testament to the beauty of harmonious coexistenc­e.

These are edited excerpts. Read full articles on The Architect’s Diary website.

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