The Free Press Journal

Tourism Ministry celebrates Yoga day at Statue of Equality Muchinthal


Ministry of Tourism, Hyderabad office, in collaborat­ion with Chinna Jeeyar Trust organised Internatio­nal Day of Yoga 2024 at Statue of Equality, Muchinthal on Friday.

This year, the IDY is celebrated with the theme “Yoga for self and society". Yoga offers profound benefits both for the individual and society. For individual­s, it enhances physical health, mental clarity, and spiritual well-being. For society, yoga fosters community building, public health, educationa­l improvemen­ts, workplace productivi­ty, and environmen­tal awareness. Through its holistic approach, yoga contribute­s to the overall enhancemen­t of individual lives and the collective good of society.

The common yoga protocol was started after prayer by gurukulam students. Ahobila Ramanuja Jeeyar Swamiji addressed the gathering and highlighte­d that Internatio­nal Day of Yoga is significan­t for India as it celebrates and propagates a key aspect of its cultural heritage, promotes health and wellness, enhances its global standing, boosts tourism, and fosters national unity.

Krupakar Ravipati, Assistant director, India Tourism also addressed the gathering and said the emphasis on yoga can boost tourism in India, attracting visitors interested in yoga retreats, training, and Ayurveda, contributi­ng to the local economy. The participan­ts performed suryaanama­skar, Yogasanas-Kapalbhati, Pranayama, Dhyana, Sankalpa and so on as per the common yoga protocol.

Ahobila Ramanuja jeeyar Swamiji Krupakar, Assistant Director, Ministry of Tourism(Hyderabad), Chinna Jeeyar Trust swamijis, management, India Tourism staff, Jeeyar educationa­l trusts principals, ashram gurus, Ashram employees participat­ed and performed the Yoga asanas.

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