The Free Press Journal

10-day campaign on driving on wrong side

Motorists flouting rules will be fined and may be jailed


The Ahmedabad traffic police will launch a 10-day campaign against vehicles driving on the wrong side of the road on Saturday. Motorists who drive on the wrong side of the road will not only be fined, but they will also face a police investigat­ion, which might result in jail time. The Ahmedabad traffic police will undertake this drive till June 30.

This drive aims to address the city’s accidents. The traffic and local police will work together to coordinate the drive in various parts of the city. Motorists found driving on the wrong side of the road will face charges under sections 279 and 184 of the Indian Penal Code. The driver will also be arrested for the offence.

JCP (Traffic) stated, “An order has been received from the Commission­er of Police indicating that many accidents occur owing to vehicles approachin­g from the incorrect side. As a result, a 10-day traffic sweep will be planned from June 22 to June 31. This campaign’s primary goal is to keep drivers from driving on the wrong side of the road. Normally, action is conducted under section 184 against vehicles approachin­g from the wrong side; however, during this drive, a FIR will be filed against those drivers under both sections 279 and 184.”

“The journey will begin on the SG Highway and other important routes. Following that, the trip will include internal roadways as well. Drivers will face prosecutio­n rather than fines”, he added.

Both traffic and municipal police can seek charges against wrong-side drivers. Two locations in each area have been identified where wrong-side driving is common. The campaign will focus mostly on regions outside of schools.

Furthermor­e, the goal is to raise public awareness of the dangers associated with driving on the wrong side. Traffic police officers and other officials will participat­e in this drive.

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