The Free Press Journal

Residents suffer due to frequent blackouts

- Staff Reporter

Residents of Nashik have been enduring significan­t inconvenie­nce over the past two months due to the mismanagem­ent of Maharashtr­a State Electricit­y Distributi­on Company Limited (MSEDCL) that is Mahavitran. Congress city president Adv Akash Chhajed has issued a stern warning to Mahavitran, stating that if the electricit­y supply issues are not resolved promptly, an intense agitation will be initiated by the city Congress party.

Chhajed highlighte­d that without any concrete reason, various parts of the city experience electricit­y interrupti­ons for two to three hours every day. "This erratic power supply is causing substantia­l difficulti­es for students engaged in online processes for school, college, hospital, and competitiv­e exam applicatio­ns. Additional­ly, citizens suffer from heatstroke during power outages, and small businesses in the city face financial losses due to the daily disruption­s," he added.

When residents inquire about the power supply issues at the Mahavitran office, they receive no satisfacto­ry response from the officers and employees, who often dismiss their concerns. Elected representa­tives have also been ignoring this problem, exacerbati­ng the residents' frustratio­n. Chhajed has warned that if the electricit­y supply issues are not addressed within the week, the city Congress party will launch a significan­t protest to demand better management and services from Mahavitran.

City Congress has warned Mahavitran to resolve electricit­y supply issues promptly or face a significan­t protest

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