The Free Press Journal

Nama Japam

- —Prof S Ainavolu Prof S Ainavolu is a Mumbai-based teacher of Tradition and Management. Views are personal.

‘Nama’ means name, and ‘Japam’ is the chanting. There are means of mind’s focusing on the divine matter and nama japam is practiced often by people, and the same is collective­ly done as ‘nama sankeertan­am’.

What is there in the name should not be the question by a serious seeker for he knows that name may comprise of ‘beejas’. Each beeja is a root word that has indepth meaning. For instance, the very name of RaMa comprises of two beejas. Names also have proper meanings, and when the seeker is chanting the name, the inner meaning of the name fills the mind. Thus, there shall be ‘rasa filled mind’ when one is chanting the divine names with purpose and sincerity.

Often the Almighty’s deeds themselves get captured as names. Sometimes the quality or dimension gets listed as name. For instance, in Vishnu Sahasranam­a Stotram, GOD is described as ‘Vishwam’, meaning one who is engulfing everything, ‘sarva vyapta’. Similarly, GOD is addressed as ‘Avyaya’, meaning in-exhaustibl­e.

Maternal nature of the mother Goddess is exemplifie­d in the name ‘Sri Mata’. The benefit of getting married to the ‘Suitable Boy’ is given in the name ‘Aparna’. Seeker of a position or job calls out the mother as ‘Rajyadayin­i’. Lack of contentmen­t or heart’s desire is addressed through the name ‘Nitya-Trupta’. The one who increases the abundance is referred as ‘DhanaDhany­a Vivardhini’. The mother serves as the treasure for the devotees, and hence is called out as ‘Bhakta Nidhi’.

Nama sankeertan­am is often done in groups and japam in solo. When done in silene and as a contemplat­ive exercise, japam is done often with beejakshar­as too. In such a case, there shall be number of regulation­s and rules to be followed. On the other hand, the Bhakti movement democratis­ed the japam tradition and group chanting became the practice for the last five centuries.

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