The Free Press Journal

Skeleton of woman, 2 sons found on Maihar hillocks

M They had gone missing since January 19 this year m The police say they may have committed suicide

- FP News Service

The skeletons of an elderly woman and her two sons, found on the hillocks of Maihar near the temple of Goddess Sharda, have spread panic.

They had gone missing since January 19 this year. A few shepherd boys passing by the forest-clad hillocks on Monday found the skeletons and informed the police about it.

The police rushed to the spot and took the skeletons into their custody. After examining the skeletons and other evidence, the police said the skeletons were of a woman and her two sons who belonged to Ramgarh village in Sidhi district.

By questionin­g the priests of the temple and sifting through the evidence, the police contacted their family members who identified the skeletons as that of 50-year-old Chhotki Saket, 27-year-old Deepak Saket and 30-year-old Rajkumar Saket.

The nephew of Chhotki, Bhola Saket, identified the skeletons. The police said the trio may have committed suicide.

Their family members, however, did not lodge any complaint about their missing.

According to Bhola, as the woman and her two sons often visited Maihar and stayed there for more than three months, complaints were not lodged.

He, however, said that nobody in the family could even imagine that they would commit suicide.

She had a glimpse of Goddess Sharda once a year, and returned home whenever she wished to.

According to reports, the relatives of the woman came to Maihar from Ramgarh to identify the skeletons.

The daughter of the woman Kusum Kali, her son-in-law, brother Lakshman and nephew Bhola identified the bodies which were sent to Rewa Medical College for the post mortem.

A panel of doctors performed the postmortem of the skeletons.

Pic found

A photograph of the woman and her two sons, who reached Maihar on January 19 this year, was found. The photograph shows that they were worshippin­g.

It was, however, not known whether they had committed suicide after offering prayers.

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