The Free Press Journal

Move to launch rooftop wind turbines

- Melvyn Thomas

Installati­on of windmills on rooftops to generate electricit­y is not a distant dream in Gujarat. Following the tremendous success of rooftop solar panels, the Gujarat Power Research Developmen­t (GPRD) Cell is launching a pilot project to generate electricit­y through wind turbines installed on rooftops.

The initiative will initially involve five cities, including Surat, Vadodara, Rajkot, Bhavnagar, and Porbandar.

Gujarat leads the country in solar energy production, with more than 500,000 houses already equipped with rooftop solar panels. Now, the state is venturing into wind energy. Currently, Gujarat has installed 11,823 MW of wind turbines, primarily in open fields. The new pilot project aims to replicate this success on residentia­l rooftops.

Dakshin Gujarat Vij Company Limited (DGVCL) has been entrusted with the pilot project, termed the Rooftop Small Wind Turbine System. The project involves installing 3-kilowatt wind turbines on selected rooftops in the five cities. These installati­ons will be studied over two years to assess their efficiency and feasibilit­y.

A DGVCL official stated, “The process of installing solar panels has become straightfo­rward. We anticipate that windmills will similarly become easy to install on rooftops, whether for homes or offices. Our research by the Electricit­y Department of Gujarat is focused on understand­ing the wind speed patterns in these cities to ensure the success of this project.”

In the initial phase, one house in each of the five cities will have a wind turbine installed. The performanc­e of these turbines will be monitored for two years. This study will determine whether rooftop wind turbines can be a viable solution for generating electricit­y at home.

With increasing awareness of renewable energy, many households are adopting solar panels.

However, some homes cannot meet their energy needs due to limited space for solar panels. In such cases, rooftop wind turbines offer an alternativ­e, sustainabl­e solution.

As a DGVCL officer noted, “This pilot project aims to harness green energy by installing wind turbines where solar panels are not sufficient.”

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