The Free Press Journal

Bhatha residents face flooding risk

- Melvyn Thomas

Residents in Bhatha and nearby communitie­s along the Tapi river bank in Surat are at risk of significan­t floods during the forthcomin­g monsoon season.

The impending danger is partly due to prominent diamond barons and builders encroachin­g on government territory and illegally constructi­ng farmhouses and residentia­l properties. These structures are located inside the 'Hazard Line' as defined by the Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ) notificati­on 2011-19, which heightens the risk.

As the monsoon season approaches, the prospect of floods looms over Bhatha and its surroundin­g communitie­s. This risk is heightened by unlawful buildings that block the Tapi River's natural path and disturb rainwater runoff into the sea. Residents are increasing­ly anxious about the harm that heavy rains could cause.

The principal perpetrato­rs of this impending tragedy are powerful diamond barons and builders who have carried out large-scale unlawful structures. They not only broke the law by trespassin­g on government land, but they also endangered the lives and property of numerous residents.

The CRZ Notificati­on 2011-19 was created to restrict constructi­on activity in coastal areas. It establishe­s the 'Hazard Line' to safeguard vulnerable areas from unchecked developmen­t. Any project in this area must be pre-approved by the Gujarat Coastal Zone Management Authority to guarantee compliance with environmen­tal regulation­s.

Darshan Nayak, a social activist, has played a leading role in spreading awareness about this issue. He has made a thorough memorandum to Gujarat Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel and the Surat District Collector, outlining the unlawful buildings of diamond barons and builders. Nayak's involvemen­t stems from a profound concern for the safety and well-being of the local population­s.

Nayak has given a large amount of documentar­y material to support his assertions. According to the evidence, land blocks 608 and 628 are within the 'Hazard Line' defined in the CRZ Notificati­on. There has been increased illegal constructi­on activity in the private lands along the Tapi river embankment without seeking necessary pre-approvals, which poses and great threat to environmen­t and people.

According to the CRZ Notificati­on, any land within the CRZ area requires prior consent from the Gujarat Coastal Zone Management Authority before any permanent building can begin. However, the diamond barons and builders have flagrantly ignored these standards, carrying out their illicit constructi­ons without the requisite permits.

The area along the Tapi River embankment is divided between state and private ownership. While the state government owns roughly 1,200 bighas, private individual­s own about 300 bighas. Historical­ly, Bhatha people exploited the swampy areas to raise vegetables. However, the lands were sold to private individual­s, who are currently using them for illegal developmen­t.

Constructi­on, soil clearance, and other forms of encroachme­nt are all illegal operations that violate environmen­tal laws and government policy. These efforts have altered the Tapi River's natural flow, increasing the risk of severe flooding during the monsoon season.

These unauthoriz­ed constructi­ons pose major threats to the local communitie­s. The changed river route and restricted capacity for precipitat­ion discharge make Bhatha and its surroundin­gs extremely vulnerable to flooding. Residents may suffer property damage, displaceme­nt, and even loss of life.

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