The Free Press Journal

A year on, Goa fails to enact law on widows’ rights


Back in March 2023, the Assembly unanimousl­y supported a legislatio­n to protect the rights of widows and prevent the discrimina­tion against them that still prevails in some remote parts of Goa.

“I make a commitment that in the next Assembly session, maybe in July (2023), we can bring in legislatio­n within the purview of the law to prevent any kind of widow discrimina­tion,” was the assurance by Minister for Women & Child Vishwajit Rane on the floor of the House in response to Leader of Opposition Yuri Alemao’s Private Member’s Bill seeking preventing “unjust customs of widow discrimina­tion, widow abuse, and widow isolation.”

Since then, three Assembly sessions have been held – monsoon, winter and Budget – but legislatio­n on the critical issue is still nowhere in sight.

Ironically, neither the Opposition nor some ruling MLAs who supported the demand have pursued the matter with due diligence even outside the Assembly complex.

Sources revealed to The Goan that the proposal has been discussed by the Department and some attempts were made to draft a proposal.

During the Budget session this February, the issue was tabled through an unstarred question, to which the minister responded that the department is in the process of framing a policy on “widowhood practices.”

“Once a draft of the policy on widowhood practices is framed, a meeting will be called to discuss and take views as assured on the floor… Once the law is enacted it will be implemente­d,” the reply stated although no timeline was provided for its completion.

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