The Free Press Journal

UPSC aspirant denied entry, parents break down


A couple broke down at the gates of a UPSC exam centre here after the authoritie­s refused entry to their daughter, saying she had turned up late for the test.

A video purporting to show the couple sobbing in front of the closed gates of the school in the Sector 47 area and their daughter consoling them has gone viral on social media.

"Why is Papa doing this?" the examinee is heard saying. "We will give the exam next time."

She is also heard urging her father to drink water while her mother can be seen lying down in front of the gates.

The examinee had gone with her parents to SD Adarsh School for her Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) preliminar­y examinatio­n but she was denied entry for being late.

When the school authoritie­s refused to open the gates, the examinee's parents broke down and started sobbing. The video also purports to show the examinee's mother lying on the ground, ostensibly unconsciou­s.

"One year is gone …," the examinee's father is heard saying in the video while consoling his wife.

The examinee replies, "No problem … take care of yourself."

Her mother can also be seen refusing to get up and leave the spot.

When contacted SD Adarsh School principal Kalpana Kashyap told PTI that the examinee was late and was not permitted to enter the premises.

"According to the guidelines of the UPSC, government and the district administra­tion, the reporting time to appear at the exam centre is 9 am and the exam starts at 9.30 am. The gate was closed at 9 am but the examinee reached at 9.17 am," she said.

"They created a nuisance and we called the duty magistrate. He refused entry to the girl, according to rules," she added.

The video of the incident went viral on the internet

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