The Free Press Journal

Social media in the political domain


Social media has become an increasing­ly important tool for political communicat­ion. For certain demographi­cs, it is one of the main platforms where people get their news and interact with it by commenting and sharing. Social media has dramatical­ly changed the way modern political campaigns are run. As more and more digitally native citizens vote, social media has become an important tool for politician­s to establish themselves and communicat­e with voters. The experience of using social media depends largely on the user, as the platform’s algorithms tailor the consumer experience to each user. This leads to each person seeing more like-minded people due to increased digital social behavior. In addition, social media changed politics because it gave politician­s a direct way to inform their constituen­ts and people to speak directly to politician­s. This unofficial nature can lead to misinforma­tion because it is not subject to the same fact checking processes as institutio­n al journalism. Moreover, social media platforms serve as democratiz­ing agents, empowering individual­s to participat­e in political conversati­ons irrespecti­ve of geographic­al or socioecono­mic barriers. Citizens can voice their perspectiv­es, amplify marginaliz­ed narratives and mobilize collective action, thereby enriching the democratic fabric of society. Concurrent­ly, social media inter active nature engenders heightened transparen­cy and accountabi­lity within political institutio­ns, as public scrutiny intensifie­s and feedback mechanisms proliferat­e. Even housing society elections WhatsApp images going round and causing a major impact . Why not in 2024 elections?

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