The Free Press Journal

Maj. Gen. Harsh Chhibber took over as Commandant, College of Defence Management


Major General Harsh Chhibber, VSM, PhD, took over as the Commandant, College of Defence Management on May 31, 2024. An alumnus of the prestigiou­s National Defence Academy, Major General Harsh Chhibber was commission­ed into the Army Service Corps in December 1988. His distinguis­hed career is marked by academic excellence, steering technology absorption and a passion for adventure.

Throughout his service, he has consistent­ly demonstrat­ed exceptiona­l academic prowess. He holds a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) on Public Policy along with two M.Phil degrees in Business Management and Public Administra­tion. His dedication to profession­al developmen­t is further evidenced by his qualificat­ions on the Technical Staff Officers Course (TSOC), Higher Defence Management Course (HDMC), and the Advanced Profession­al Programme in Public Administra­tion (APPPA).

Major General Chhibber's military experience is vast and encompasse­s various important assignment­s in Eastern, Northern and Western Sectors including command of the Para ASC company, an ASC Battalion and the ASC training Centre. He has been Brigadier General Staff (Informatio­n System) in the Eastern Sector and Major General (Operationa­l Logistics) in the Northern Sector. He has also served as an instructor at the Army Service Corps Centre and College and as the Directing Staff and Head of the Financial Management Department at the College of Defence Management. A prolific writer he has written many papers on technology absorption in the Indian Army and presented same at National Seminars.

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