The Free Press Journal

Dull pain in calf muscles


Dull and irritating pain in calf muscles can be caused by various factors like tiredness, standing long hours, weakness, etc. There are various reasons for calf pain.


Persistent dull ache or throbbing in the calf muscles, muscle tightness or stiffness, swelling in the lower leg, difficulty in standing or walking.


Calf muscles pain often due to intense exercise, over use, prolonged standing, or increase in physical activity

Cramps, involuntar­y contractio­ns of the muscles, often due to dehydratio­n, electrolyt­e imbalance, or prolonged sitting or standing

Poor blood circulatio­n, peripheral artery disease (PAD) can cause pain due to reduced blood flow

Deep vein thrombosis (DVT), a serious condition where a blood clot forms in a deep vein, usually in the leg. This requires immediate medical attention

Varicose veins can cause discomfort and aching

Inflammati­on also can cause pain

Conditions like sciatica can cause referred pain in the calves

Bruising or damage to the muscle or tendons

Home remedies

Rest your legs and elevate them to reduce swelling

Apply ice packs to the affected area for 15-20 minutes several times a day in case of inflammati­on

Compressio­n stockings or wraps to support the calf muscles and improve circulatio­n

Gently massage the calf muscles to relieve tension and improve blood flow

Regularly stretch the calf muscles to prevent stiffness and improve flexibilit­y

Calf stretching exercise helps to relive pain

Soak your legs in a warm water with salt to reduce muscle soreness and inflammati­on

Pain persists for more than a few days despite home treatment, you can take a medical help

Sujok therapy

Massage on the highlighte­d area (see figure) for 10 minutes or till you feel better. After that apply dried peas or moong seeds on the highlighte­d area. Keep it for three to four hours or till you feel better.

Seek doctor advice if pain persists or worsens.

(Rajshree Vora is an obesity consultant, dietitian and nutritioni­st, Sujok therapist, counsellor, and yoga therapist. You can write to her at enquiry@rajshreeyo­

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