The Free Press Journal

Survey unearths significan­t historical remains at Bhojshala

City Qazi Waqar Sadiq raises concerns about conduct of survey


Following a High Court order issued on March 11, an extensive survey of the Bhojshala in Dhar district has been underway, revealing numerous historical artefacts and remains. The survey, which began on March 22, has been conducted continuous­ly for 72 days, employing various techniques such as GPR (Ground Penetratin­g Radar), GPS, and geographic analysis.

During the survey, over 450 large remains and more than 1,000 smaller artefacts were discovered. The entire Bhojshala site has been meticulous­ly demarcated, with a 50-metre perimeter around the area. Additional­ly, all columns and walls within the Bhojshala have been cleaned using chemical processes, revealing clearer structures and inscriptio­ns. Comprehens­ive documentat­ion has been carried out, including drawings, colour photocopie­s, and videograph­y.

Notably, a cow-shaped structure and a cellar beneath the Kamal Maulana Dargah have been uncovered. The survey is still ongoing, with significan­t findings continuing to emerge.

However, the survey has sparked controvers­y within the local Muslim community. City Qazi Waqar Sadiq has raised concerns about the conduct of the survey, alleging that it violates Supreme Court and High Court guidelines. He emphasized that the survey should not involve physical excavation or alter the site’s nature, advocating for non-invasive methods like photograph­y, GPR, and GPS.

The Qazi highlighte­d specific issues, including plastic obstructin­g water flow in the north-south direction, which has affected ablution practices for Namazis. He also noted that ASI activities in the south have forced worshipper­s to pray under the sun without proper mats, contraveni­ng court orders. The community has called for adherence to the court’s instructio­ns, emphasizin­g the need to maintain the sanctity and usability of the site during the survey process.

The Archaeolog­ical Survey of India (ASI) has yet to respond to these allegation­s. As the survey progresses, it remains to be seen how the findings and the community’s concerns will be addressed by the authoritie­s.

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