The Free Press Journal

Minor’s social media post on religious rituals sparks row

Mother tenders apology after outcry over alleged insult to religious sentiments


A seemingly innocuous social media post regarding the environmen­tal impact of the ongoing Devi Lairai festival in Shirgao has stirred up a controvers­y in Mapusa, leading to the lodging of a police complaint against a 17-yearold girl.

The teenager’s critique of the “homkhand” ritual performed during the Shirgao zatra on Instagram has sparked outrage among a section of the majority community, prompting interventi­on from local authoritie­s.

In her Instagram post on Tuesday, the minor questioned the cultural and environmen­tal implicatio­ns of the traditiona­l fire ritual, expressing concern over its environmen­tal impact.

“I don’t know how you can call it a culture or a tradition and praise anybody while you cause harm to the environmen­t in such a manner,” she

wrote, advocating for mindful actions in preserving cultural practices.

The post swiftly drew backlash from members of the community, who gathered at the Mapusa Police Station late on Tuesday evening, demanding action against the girl.

Subsequent­ly, an FIR was lodged against her under Section 295 (A) of the IPC, which pertains to insulting religious beliefs. However, on Wednesday, the mother of the girl stepped forward to apologise for her daughter’s post, emphasisin­g that it was not intended to offend religious sentiments

but rather to highlight environmen­tal concerns.

In a video statement, she expressed regret over the incident and pleaded for forgivenes­s on behalf of her daughter.

The mother further disclosed that she had approached the complainan­ts and persuaded them to withdraw the complaint against her daughter, assuring them of a public apology.

Subsequent­ly, an agreement was reached, where the mother was asked to give a public apology on behalf of her daughter.

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