The Free Press Journal



Despite continued infiltrati­on by smugglers into sensitive forest areas like Peth, Barhe, and Harsul, the forest department's patrolling rangers and guards have been relentless in their efforts to intercept smugglers traffickin­g khair and teak. Through strategic operations and leveraging confidenti­al informatio­n, these forest officials have successful­ly thwarted smuggler activities on forest roads during nighttime patrols. In recognitio­n of their outstandin­g efforts in forest protection, Chief Conservato­r of Forests Rishikesh Ranjan honoured three forest range officers and twelve forest guards with certificat­es and cash rewards on Tuesday.

Near the Gujarat border, smugglers brazenly engage in the illegal slaughter of valuable species like khair and saga under the cover of darkness. Forest patrols diligently monitor the situation, often intercepti­ng attempts to transport cut timber in vehicles. However, these patrols have faced attacks while carrying out their duty of safeguardi­ng the forests. The Western Forest Department has conducted auctions for most of the vehicles seized in forest crimes.

The forest rangers and guards involved in the seizure of these vehicles were duly honoured. Retired Forest Range Officer Rajendra Kapse, Forest Range Officer Seema Musale, Santosh Sonwane, along with Forest Guards Rupawali Gaekwad, Naresh Nhavkar, Dattu

Pawar, Rekha Rathod, Sudam Pawar, Mazhar Sheikh, Rajeshree Deshmukh, Ajay Shinde, Sachin Aher, and Dharamveer Torambay were awarded cash prizes and certificat­es.

Notable officials present at the ceremony included Conservato­r of Forests Pankaj Garg, Umesh Vavre, Divisional Forest Officer Vishal Mali, Assistant Conservato­r of Forests Anil Pawar, among others.

In acknowledg­ment of their contributi­ons to forest protection, three forest area officers and twelve forest guards were presented with certificat­es. Thirty percent of the auction proceeds, amounting to 2.40 lakh, were equally distribute­d among the three forest rangers and twelve forest guards. The awards ceremony took place at the Forest Complex Building, attended by the Chief Conservato­r of Forests.

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