The Free Press Journal

Katraj Zoo registers 1 cr drop in revenue


Rajiv Gandhi Zoological Park & Wildlife Research Centre, situated in Pune's Katraj area, is a popular spot for families to visit on weekends and holidays. However, in FY 2023-24, the zoo has registered a drop in revenue by

1 crore compared to FY 2022-23.

Data obtained exclusivel­y by The Free Press Journal revealed that in FY 2022-23, the zoo recorded an income of 7.69 crore. However, in FY 2023-24, the revenue has fallen to 6.72 crore, a drop of nearly 1 crore. It is pertinent to mention that the zoo was closed for nearly two years due to Covid pandemic and was reopened for the public on March 22, 2022. On the first day of its reopening, the zoo had 12,854 visitors, mostly comprising children and generated a revenue of 4.47 lakh.

Meanwhile, the data revealed that footfall has fallen by over 3 lakh. In FY 2022-23, 17.61 lakh people visited the zoo, while in FY 2023-24, the number dropped to 14.41 lakh. However, the number of foreign tourists has increased slightly. In FY 202223, 1,563 foreign tourists visited the zoo, this number went up to 1,583 in FY 202324.

The introducti­on of an online ticketing system has helped the zoo generate an additional revenue of over

30 lakh in FY 2023-24. This wasn't available in FY 202223. The income through the fare charged for the electric

Jadhav, Director, Rajiv Gandhi Zoological Park & Wildlife Research Centre, said, "Although the zoo saw a significan­t increase in footfall and revenue upon reopening in FY 2022-23, in FY 2023-24, it has returned to normal levels, resulting in a decrease in earnings" "The zoo currently has 442 animals. A new section for reptiles is under constructi­on to attract more visitors," he added.

Recently, several provisions were made at the zoo to help animals beat the heat, including the use of sprinkles, foggers, coolers, ponds, etc. Dr Suchitra Patil, Deputy Director, Rajiv Gandhi Zoological Park & Wildlife Research Centre, told the FPJ, "We have taken major steps to rescue the animals from heatstroke. For lions and tigers, coolers, foggers, and sprinklers have been set up in their resting areas. Swimming pools have been provided for elephants, and watermelon­s and muskmelons have been added to their meals." Additional­ly, Patil mentioned that they have banned single-use plastic in the zoo. "We request visitors to follow the rules," she added. battery car has also increased from 22.76 lakh in FY 2022-23 to 29.50 in FY 2023-24. Speaking to The Free Press Journal, Rajkumar

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