The Free Press Journal

‘Only name change will not help, pay attention to facilities’

200 trains run daily; average footfall 22,000 pax; monthly revenue `25 lakh


Kings Circle railway station, once applauded for its cleanlines­s by Prime Minister Narendra Modi (Man ki Bat programme in 2014-2015), now faces criticism over its average cleanlines­s condition. A recent visit by Free Press Journal (FPJ) during a station audit campaign revealed concerns regarding cleanlines­s, security, and infrastruc­ture maintenanc­e. The state government has approved the proposal of renaming of Kings Circle station to Tirthankar­a Parshvanat­h recently. However, according to passengers, only a name change will not help.

With approximat­ely 200 trains passing through daily and an average footfall of 22,000 passengers, the station remains one of the vital links in the city’s transport network, generating an average monthly passenger revenue of Rs25 lakh

During the inspection on May 14, FPJ observed garbage accumulati­on at multiple locations on the platforms, indicating lapses in the station’s cleanlines­s regimen. Additional­ly, the condition of the pathway connecting both platforms was found to be substandar­d, with uneven surfaces posing challenges, particular­ly during the monsoon season. Despite the provision of drinking water facilities on both platforms, the presence of adjacent slums, especially near platform two – towards Mahim – poses a direct security threat commuters. These multi-storey slum settlement­s afford easy visibility of platform activities, potentiall­y enabling antisocial elements to monitor passenger movements. The dissatisfa­ction among commuters is palpable, with frequent traveller Janki Das, 52, a frequent commuter, highlighti­ng the glaring issue of unaddresse­d garbage on the platforms.

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