The Free Press Journal

2nd bow arch girder joining Coastal Rd, sea link launched


Weighing 2,500 metric tonnes and measuring 143 metres in length, the second bow arch string girder connecting the Coastal Road and the BandraWorl­i Sea link was successful­ly launched in the early hours of Wednesday. Completing the arduous task was a race against time as the launch had to be undertaken within a three-hour window, given the tidal conditions in the sea. “Once completed, this will be India’s longest arch bridge passing over sea,” said a senior civic official.

The launch was postponed to Tuesday morning due to unfavourab­le climatic conditions the day before. On Wednesday around 3am, the civic officials, engineers and workers started setting up the girder again. “While setting up the first girder, engineers had the flexibilit­y and ample space needed for a smooth setup process. However, launching the second girder posed a significan­t challenge due to limited space. Positionin­g the second girder just 2.8 metres away from the first one was a complex task,” said a senior civic official. Keeping an eye on the tidal conditions, the heavy-duty structure was moved in stages towards the first girder. The mission was successful­ly completed at 6.07am after ensuring the mating cones on all sides were perfectly matched, the official added.

In the next step, both the girders will undergo cement concretisa­tion. Also, to prevent rusting, the BMC will be using the tried and tested C-5 system, a Japanese technology. The second girder is relatively larger and wider than the first one. It measures 31.7 metres in width and 31 metres in height. The pre-fabricated parts making up the girder were manufactur­ed at Ambala, Haryana. It was hauled to the Worli site from the Mazagaon Dock on a barge, which reached on May 12.

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