The Free Press Journal

Norms fly away in city


The devastatin­g events that unfolded in Mumbai on Monday, marked by a powerful dust storm followed by heavy rains, have left the city reeling from tragedy and loss. The most harrowing incident occurred in Ghatkopar, where a towering billboard was torn from its moorings, crashing down onto a gas station below. The catastroph­ic impact claimed the lives of 14 individual­s and left dozens more injured, some critically. Adding to the gravity of the situation was the presence of numerous pedestrian­s seeking refuge within the station premises.

It is appalling to note that this calamity was not merely an act of nature but a result of gross negligence and blatant disregard for safety regulation­s. The oversized hoarding, in flagrant violation of establishe­d norms, stands as a testament to the unchecked proliferat­ion of hazardous structures throughout the city. While legal action has been initiated against the company responsibl­e for installing the perilous billboard, accountabi­lity must extend beyond the corporate entity to encompass the officials and authoritie­s complicit in permitting its erection. The failure of regulatory bodies and law enforcemen­t agencies to uphold standards and enforce regulation­s reflects a systemic issue of non-accountabi­lity and corruption. The ease with which officials flout guidelines and turn a blind eye to illegal activities underscore­s the urgent need for reform and stringent enforcemen­t measures. The delayed response of emergency services further underscore­s the inadequacy of disaster preparedne­ss protocols, highlighti­ng systemic deficienci­es that must be addressed.

As Mumbai grapples with the aftermath of this tragedy, it is imperative that lessons are learnt and proactive measures implemente­d to prevent such incidents. Only through stringent enforcemen­t of regulation­s and disaster preparedne­ss can the city hope to mitigate the impact of future calamities and safeguard its residents’ well-being.

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