The Free Press Journal

NGT forms panel to look into fly ash mismanagem­ent

He plant has failed to put its fly ash to good use to build road and flyover embankment­s


National Green Tribunal (NGT) has constitute­d a three-member committee over non-disposal of fly ash from Satpura Thermal Power Station Sarni as a constructi­on material for roads and flyover embankment­s. The committee has been asked to submit its report within six weeks. The committee comprises a representa­tive from the Ministry of Environmen­t, Forest and Climate Change (MoEF&CC), Integrated Office at Bhopal; a representa­tive from CPCB, Bhopal and a Representa­tive from Madhya Pradesh Pollution Control Board, Bhopal.

The green tribunal formed the committee following a petition over the violations of the provisions of the Environmen­t (Protection) Act by the thermal plant.

A petition pointed at the non-disposal of fly ash and bottom fly ash in constructi­on of roads and flyover embankment­s which is required to be mandatoril­y used in the road constructi­ons falling within 300km of the power house. Advocate Harshwardh­an Tiwari, who filed the petition, said, “It is mandatory to use fly ash in road constructi­on and flyover constructi­ons within 300kms of the plant. But the same is not being done so we filed a petition in NGT.”

The petition highlighte­d the noncomplia­nce by the Satpura Thermal Power Station Sarni for noncomplia­nce of notificati­on on disposal of fly ash.

VFly ash resulting from coal-based thermal power plants is one of the alarming and continuous­ly increasing sources of pollution leading to degradatio­n of soil, water and air. Fly ash generated from thermal power plants and industrial waste discharged into the streams or dumped into surroundin­g land causes serious water and soil pollution problems.

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