The Free Press Journal

100 prisoners won’t remain jobless after their release

Collector Sonia Meena asks jail officials to impart training to inmates by June 30

- FP NEWS SERVICE Narmadapur­am

Collector Sonia Meena has said 100 prisoners who will be released in the coming days should be imparted vocational training by June 30 to help them earn a living.

She issued the directives at a meeting held on the district jail premises on Monday.

When the prisoners return home, they will start some small businesses with the help of the vocational training they have undergone at the prison, she said.

Jail superinten­dent, Santosh Solanki, manager RST Rashmi Gupta, general manager district trade and industries Kailash Mal, assistant other backward castes welfare department Anuradha Sakwar and other officials were present at the meeting. Meena directed the jail superinten­dent to train the prisoners in sewing, agricultur­e, electric work, dairy, file folder, poultry farming, furniture repairing and carpentry.

When the prisoners are released, they will be proud of what they have learnt in the jail, she said.

Solanki said that 41 prisoners had been imparted training in various job-oriented trades and that 450 inmates would be provided with training.

Women prisoners have also been identified for training, he said.

Meena directed the jail officials to ensure that nearly 500 prisoners are provided with training in different job-oriented traders.

Those who are being released from prison next month, should also be imparted training, so that when they return to their societies, there will be a message that the prisoners have skills to earn a living, the collector said.

She instructed the department­s running the self-employment projects to include the prisoners in the schemes after their release from the jail.

She also directed the officials to get the prisoners’ loan applicatio­ns approved by the bank for self-employment and ensure that they get a loan on priority.

When Solanki informed the collector that the prisoners did not have Aadhar cards, she asked the chief executive of district Panchayat Sojan Singh Rawat to organise a camp for making Aadhar cards.

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