The Free Press Journal

School director sent to jail, SI gets bail


Sub-inspector Prakash Rajput has been given bail in the Misrod hostel minor rape case and main accused Mini Raj Modi, director of private school, has been sent to judicial remand, said the police here on Tuesday.

ACP Misrod said that the accused Mini Raj Modi and SI Prakash Rajput were arrested on intervenin­g night of Monday-Tuesday and both were produced in the district court.

But before presenting them before the court, Mini Raj Modi had undergone the medical examinatio­n. Samples have been taken by the medical staff, said the police.

Advocate KP Shrivastav­a and Jafer Raja appeared on behalf of SI Prakash Rajput.

District public prosecutor (DPO) Rajendra Upadhayay said, "The director of the private school Mini Raj Modi has been sent to judicial remand while SI Prakash Rajput has been given bail."

Modi had been made accused of allegedly raping the eight year old girl, the student of 2nd standard.

The matter came to light on May 1st, when the mother of the victim reached the hostel to meet her child. The child narrated the ordeal to her mother.

In first medical examinatio­n the doctors confirmed sexual assault on the girl, but the medical board found it fake.

Meantime the video of SI Rajput came in light in which he was seen manipulati­ng the facts of the crime.

The police

finding him culprit, made accused of the case.

Child Rights groups unhappy with police

One of the personnel informed that when the issue of victim's medical test had occurred, the minister contacted them and asked them about the SOP of the medical investigat­ions. The officials had sent the 17-page report format to the minister.

One of the member informed that the victim who is just eight year old had faced more than 10 officials; policemen, doctors and counsellor­s in past 13 days.

"In past 13 days the victim said only one statement, 'Modi Sir had done bad work', even in front of magistrate who had taken the statement of the girl, and also before the members of CPCR, CWC and the junior and senior rank officers, but the police every time raised question on the victim's statement", said an official on anonymity.


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