The Free Press Journal

Stop encroachme­nt at initial stage itself: Singh


Raipur District Collector Dr. Gaurav Kumar Singh on Tuesday asked the officials to stop illegal plotting. Stern action taken to stop encroachme­nt at initial stage itself.

Singh was holding a joint meeting of all the revenue staff of the district and Municipal Corporatio­n Zone Commission­ers in the Red Cross meeting room located in the Collectora­te premises.

Collector Dr. Singh said that under the Municipal Corporatio­n Act and Panchayati Raj Act, the concerned Municipal Corporatio­n Commission­er, Municipal Council and the concerned Chief Municipal Officer in Nagar Panchayat and rural areas Sub-Divisional Officer (Revenue) in the Municipal Corporatio­n area, illegal colony developmen­t, constructi­on, selling of plots in pieces or attempts to do so without the permission of the competent authority should be stopped at any cost.

If done, register a case and give notice to the concerned person or organizati­on. Visit the spot and take site ‘panchnama’ and photograph­s regarding illegal constructi­on and also take Patwari report, he said.

He said that if the matter is found to be of serious nature by destroying the structure of the illegal colony, then an FIR should also be lodged. He said that every employee and officer of Revenue and Corporatio­n should keep an eye on the concerned area. Wherever encroachme­nt or illegal plotting is seen, it should be stopped at the initial stage itself.

Dr. Singh said that the pending cases should be resolved on time. Complete the digital updation work of ‘Kisan Kitab’, ‘Khasra’, ‘Rakba’, and ‘Kisan Mobile numbers’.

Municipal Corporatio­n Commission­er Abinash Mishra said that all the CMOs in the corporatio­n area should smoothly monitor the cleanlines­s system and drinking water system of the respective areas. Ensure adequate water supply for the coming one to one-and-a-half months, so that the public does not face any kind of problem.

 ?? ?? Raipur District Collector Dr. Gaurav Kumar Singh on Tuesday held a meeting of all the revenue staff of the district and Municipal Corporatio­n Zone Commission­ers in the Red Cross meeting room located in the Collectora­te premises.
Raipur District Collector Dr. Gaurav Kumar Singh on Tuesday held a meeting of all the revenue staff of the district and Municipal Corporatio­n Zone Commission­ers in the Red Cross meeting room located in the Collectora­te premises.

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