The Free Press Journal

Passengers grounded in Rajkot after IndiGo flight cancellati­on


Disgruntle­d passengers caused a stir at the Rajkot Internatio­nal Airport after IndiGo Airlines abruptly grounded their flight bound for Mumbai. The incident unfolded after a delay exceeding two and a half hours for the 7:40pm departure on Monday.

IndiGo attributed the delay and subsequent cancellati­on to unfavourab­le weather conditions. The explanatio­n however failed to appease the agitated passengers who argued with airline staff. The situation was particular­ly frustratin­g for those with connecting flights to Goa from Mumbai, as the grounding disrupted not just their travel plans but potentiall­y their entire vacation itinerarie­s.

The ongoing summer vacations likely contribute­d to the high volume of passengers on the Rajkot-Mumbai route. Many rely on connecting flights to reach popular tourist destinatio­ns like Goa during this peak travel season. The unexpected cancellati­on disrupted these plans, causing significan­t inconvenie­nce and frustratio­n.

Details regarding the specific weather concerns that grounded the flight remain unclear. Passengers reported receiving minimal informatio­n from IndiGo representa­tives, further fueling their discontent. It is unknown whether the airline offered alternativ­e arrangemen­ts or rebooking options to those affected.

“This incident highlights the challenges airlines face in managing passenger expectatio­ns during travel disruption­s. While bad weather can pose legitimate safety concerns, clear and timely communicat­ion with passengers is crucial in mitigating frustratio­n and maintainin­g order” said Shailesh Maniar, a passenger. IndiGo Airlines has yet to issue a public statement regarding the incident at Rajkot Airport.

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