The Free Press Journal

UPL Ltd pushes for community building


UPL Ltd., a global provider of sustainabl­e agricultur­al solutions, had been committed toward imparting quality education and holistic community betterment since its inception. Sandra Shroff College of Nursing (SSCN) in Vapi is a testament to the same, training 637 aspiring nurses and planning to train 575 more in the next 3-5 years with a motto ‘Service to Mankind.’

Establishe­d in 2003 by Sandra Shroff, SSCN is the very first self-financed college in south Gujarat offering 4 years B.Sc. Nursing and 2 years M.Sc. Nursing courses with world-class infrastruc­ture. With a twin objective of providing education and employment to young tribal girls in the region, SSCN has been a source of inspiratio­n for many individual­s, where around 70 per cent of students join from humble background­s, with most alumni currently studying or working in reputed healthcare institutio­ns globally.

UPL began its CSR initiative­s as part of its efforts to reach out to the community even before it was mandated by law. UPL conducts holistic community developmen­t programs in Vapi under four main pillars, including education, biodiversi­ty conservati­on (UPL Vasudha), sustainabl­e livelihood (UPL Pragati), and local area needs including sanitation, and infrastruc­ture developmen­t.

Speaking about UPL’s vision, Sandra Shroff, Vice Chairman of UPL, said, “At UPL, our vision extends beyond mere business success. We aspire to be catalysts of positive change, uplifting communitie­s, and nurturing educationa­l avenues for all. Our CSR initiative­s reflect this larger vision, where every effort is a step towards building a more inclusive and prosperous society. At SSCN our profession­als not only educate minds but also nurture souls.”

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