The Free Press Journal

IAF tests airdrop of BHISHM portable hospital in Agra


The Indian Air Force on Tuesday tested BHISHM portable cubes at Agra for airdrops from the aircraft. This is the first time the Indian Air Force tested this portable hospital. This test was performed so that the portable hospital can be deployed to cater to emergencie­s anywhere.

As per the Ministry of Informatio­n and Broadcasti­ng, BHISHM portable cubes are a part of the broader initiative named "Project BHISHM" Bharat Health Initiative for Sahyog, Hita and Maitri, which is tailored to treat up to 200 casualties, emphasisin­g rapid response and comprehens­ive care.

Notably, the Aid Cube is equipped with several innovative tools designed to enhance disaster response and medical support during emergencie­s. It also integrates Artificial Intelligen­ce (AI) and data analytics to facilitate effective coordinati­on, real-time monitoring and efficient management of medical services in the field.

The whole unit contains 72 easily transporta­ble components that can be convenient­ly carried by hand, cycle, or even drone, providing unmatched flexibilit­y. In the face of mass casualty incidents (MCIs), where requiremen­ts range from basic aid to advanced medical and surgical care, the Aid Cube stands out with its ability to be deployed within an astonishin­g 12 minutes.

These cubes are robust, waterproof, and light, designed for various configurat­ions, making them ideal for diverse emergency scenarios. From airdrops to ground transporta­tion, the cube can be rapidly deployed anywhere, ensuring immediate response capability.

During the Pran Pratishtha ceremony held earlier this year on January 22 in Ayodhya, two Arogya Maitri Disaster Management CubeBHISHM units were strategica­lly deployed to enhance medical preparedne­ss and response capabiliti­es.

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