The Free Press Journal




Epidermis, the outer layer of the skin contains large amounts of vitamin C. The presence of vitamin C in the skin protects the skin from oxidative damage caused by the sun and pollution. It also helps in collagen production, which keeps the skin looking young. Lower intake of vitamin C has been linked to dry and damaged skin.

Bleeding gums

Another common symptom of vitamin C deficiency is red, swollen, and bleeding gums. Inadequate vitamin C leads to weakened and inflamed blood vessels in the gum tissues, causing the gums to bleed. This further causes the teeth to fall out due to unhealthy gums.


If your skin is getting bruised easily that means your body has low levels of vitamin

C. It occurs when blood vessels under the skin burst, causing the blood to leak into the surroundin­g areas.


Low levels of vitamin C cause keratosis pilaris. It is a type of skin condition that causes bumpy skin to develop on the back of the upper arms, thighs or buttocks due to keratin protein buildup inside the pores.


The hair follicles have many small blood vessels that supply blood and nutrients to the area. Deficiency in vitamin C leads to weak blood vessels near the hair follicles, thereby causing small, bright red spots near the hair follicles.


According to a study, low levels of vitamin C has been associated with an increase in belly fat among healthy individual­s. Higher levels of vitamin C can help prevent obesity by regulating the release of fat from the fat cells and lower inflammati­on and stress hormones.


Studies have shown that swollen joints have been linked to vitamin C deficiency which causes difficulty in walking or limping. Sometimes bleeding within the joints can also happen, which can further lead to swelling and joint pain.


Another early symptom of vitamin C deficiency is fatigue and low mood. These symptoms can resolve once you increase the intake of vitamin C rich foods.


Low levels of vitamin C in the body can lead to iron deficiency anaemia. Vitamin C aids in better iron absorption so, reduced vitamin C levels slow down the absorption of iron from plant-based foods.


Deficiency in vitamin C can also weaken your immunity, making you vulnerable to a higher risk of various infections. Higher levels of vitamin C are required for the body to combat infections and kill disease-causing germs.


Not taking adequate amounts of vitamin C have been linked to higher levels of inflammati­on and oxidative stress. Vitamin C stops cellular damage by neutralizi­ng free radicals that cause inflammati­on and oxidative stress.


Numerous studies have shown that vitamin C deficiency increases the rate of bone loss, thus elevating the risk of fracture and osteoporos­is.

Note: The recommende­d daily amount of vitamin C for women is 75 mg per day and men 90 mg per day.

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