The Free Press Journal

Margao’s tiatr scene plays waiting game again


Ravindra Bhavan, Margao will miss the May 15 date for resumption of tiatrs as the ongoing renovation work still remains incomplete and many issues await redressal.

The Pai Tiatrist auditorium staged the second tiatr show on Monday as part of the trial run, but tiatrists and the audience have called for resolution of the host of issues plaguing the Ravindra Bhavan. The first tiatr was staged on May 10 at the Ravindra Bhavan by director Menino de Bandar as part of the trial run.

Ravindra Bhavan Chairman Rajendra Talak, however, was quick to clarify that the ongoing work is in the final stages, assuring that whatever shortcomin­gs that have come to the fore will be overcome in the coming days.

As Pascoal De Chicalim staged his tiatr at the Ravindra Bhavan on Monday as part of the trial run, a host of issues came to the fore. In fact, the show had to be halted for a brief period twice due to problems with the curtains. It was also pointed out that the curtains were dusty.

While work on the stage is complete, the tiles around the stage are not yet fixed. “We are not condemning, but only highlighti­ng the problems since this was a trial show. We hope the issues will be redressed by the management”, informed Director Pascoal.

Another tiatrist underscore­d the need for a monitor in the Green room for the benefit of artists. “We cannot keep a track of the scene on the stage for want of a monitor. Hope the Ravindra Bhavan restores the monitor at the earliest”, the tiatrist added.

It was also pointed out that the hanging mike is yet to fall in place, hoping that Talak, who is a film director, will make the necessary arrangemen­ts.

Another tiatrist highlighte­d the issue of the leaking water tap in the Green room, saying the issue needs to be rectified at the earliest. “Since monsoon is fast approachin­g, the tiatrists are hoping that the ongoing work will be completed and the Pai Tiatrist hall will be available to stage shows”, another tiatrist said, while making a plea to the management to tone up the sound system of the auditorium.

 ?? Washroom ?? Auditorium
A collage of photos reveals a host of issues that have come to the fore during the trial run of a tiatr that was staged at Ravindra Bhavan. Santosh Mirajkar
Washroom Auditorium A collage of photos reveals a host of issues that have come to the fore during the trial run of a tiatr that was staged at Ravindra Bhavan. Santosh Mirajkar

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