The Free Press Journal

Self-repairing technology to reshape Indian highways

- BY TEJI MANDI Teji Mandi (TM Investment Technologi­es Pvt Ltd) is a SEBI registered Research Analyst (RA). Informatio­n in this article should not be construed as investment advice. Please visit to know more.

OIndian roads, especially the national highways, have long grappled with the issue of potholes. These potholes not only damage vehicles but also become a cause of accidents. But here's some good news! The Indian government is on the path to finding a solution to this problem of potholes. In the coming times, you might see roads that can repair themselves!

Let's see how this will work.

What's Happening?

Potholes on roads have become a headache for India because they not only cause delays in everyday travel but also result in thousands of lives lost every year. Looking at the figures, in just 2022 alone, nearly 4,446 accidents occurred due to these potholes. To address this issue, the National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) is considerin­g adopting the 'SelfHealin­g Roads' technology. Interestin­gly, the concept of selfhealin­g roads was pioneered by a scientist from the Netherland­s Erik Schlangen about a decade ago.

What is Self-Healing Roads Technology?

This is a road constructi­on technology where the road is capable of filling its small potholes on its own. It involves a mix of steel fibres and special bitumen in the asphalt. Whenever there's a crack or a small pothole on the road, this special bitumen heats up and fills the gap.

NHAI's Potential Plan

The National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) is planning to adopt this technology. It could be tested in some areas soon. If the tests are successful, this technology could be used across the country in the future. This not only saves time and money on road maintenanc­e but also ensures safer and smoother journeys.

What's in it for Investors?

In March 2024, Prime Minister Modi inaugurate­d 112 National Highway projects in various states. The cost for this is approximat­ely 12.04 billion USD (Rs 1 lakh crore). Along with this, the adoption of technologi­es like self-healing roads is expected to accelerate the growth of this sector. If we talk about the companies listed on the Indian stock exchange operating in this sector, it includes IRB Infrastruc­ture, G R Infraproje­cts, PNC Infratech, Dilip Buildcon, Ashoka Buildcon, and Bharat Road Network Limited.

What’s Next?

If self-maintenanc­e roads prove successful, it will be a revolution­ary change for Indian roads. Not only will the problem of potholes be eliminated, but road maintenanc­e will also become easier. In the future, this technology could further develop, making this sector attractive to investors. According to IBEF, India has the world's secondlarg­est road network, spanning approximat­ely 6.7 million kilometres. Additional­ly, the Indian government has allocated Rs 111 lakh crore (1.4 trillion USD) for the National Infrastruc­ture Pipeline for FY25. There is an expectatio­n of 18% capital expenditur­e in the road sector for FY25.

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