The Free Press Journal



In his first meeting after filing nomination, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi said he has adopted Raebareli as his karmabhoom­i as it has been workplace of his two mothers.

At a public meeting in Uttar Pradesh’s Maharajgan­j on Monday, he said, “I have two mothers, Sonia Gandhi and Indira Gandhi, who have protected me. Raebareli is the workplace of both my mothers. That’s why, I have come here to contest the election.”

Rahul said, “Our family’s relationsh­ip with Raebareli is 100 years old. This election marks the first battle in history where Congress is fighting to protect the Constituti­on. BJP and RSS will tear apart the statute, closing all avenues for the poor. Attacking the prime minister and BJP, he said they are trying to form a government for Adani and Ambani. The Constituti­on is being shredded for these two individual­s.”

Taking aim at the prime minister, Rahul said, “In ten years, Narendra Modi has given `16 lakh crore to 22 billionair­es. This money is equal to the income of 70 crore people. This fight is for the protection of the poor. If the government is formed, they will send `8,500 to every woman’s account every month. The money will be credited to the account on the first of every month.”

The Grand Old Party leader said, “The prime minister has made the youth unemployed. If the INDIA government is formed, every youth will get an apprentice­ship. This way, the first job will be guaranteed.”

He announced the new government will end contractor system. “Whether it is the public sector or government department­s, the contractor system will end as soon as the government is formed,” he said.

During this time, Rahul Gandhi and Priyanka Gandhi were seen together at the public meeting. Seeing them both on the stage together also boosted the enthusiasm of the crowd.

Addressing another rally as he concluded his speech, Gandhi invited his sister, Priyanka Gandhi Vadra, to join him at the front of the dais. Placing his hand on her shoulder and affectiona­tely touching her face, Gandhi expressed his gratitude for her dedication to the Raebareli campaign.

“I am travelling across the country for the elections, and my sister is devoting her time here. A big thank you to her for this,” he remarked.

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