The Free Press Journal

Assam: 1 lakh students send postcards to parents to vote

- PTI /

The postcards will be posted with the cooperatio­n of the postal department

One lakh students of Assam's Kamrup district on Tuesday wrote postcards to their parents, urging them to exercise their voting rights in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections.

The campaign 'Maa-Deutaloi Votdanor Ahbaan' (appeal to mother-father to vote) by the Kamrup Election District is targeted to ensure 100% voter turnout when polling will be held in the district in the third phase on May 7.

"We are hopeful of an emotional impact generated by the children appealing directly to their parents as it makes the adults answerable to the future generation," Kamrup district commission­er Keerthi Jalli said.

As part of the Systematic Voters' Education and Electoral Participat­ion (SVEEP) initiative, one lakh students from class 8 to 12 from 526 educationa­l institutio­ns across the district wrote postcards, beseeching their parents to cast their ballots on election day for their better future, more participat­ive democracy and growth of India.

"I remember writing letters to friends as an assignment in school. It used to be an exercise we all looked forward to. The nostalgic joy associated with receiving a stamped letter in your name from a postman is unparallel­ed," she added.

The postcards will be posted with the cooperatio­n of the postal department so that they reach the parents within 15 days. The postcards have been stamped with 'Kamrupa' and 'Luit', the black softshell turtles which are election mascots of the district. Upon receipt of the letter, students will be encouraged to upload selfies with their parents and the postcards.Jalli said the writing exercise is important to inculcate the value of writing letters for a generation most accustomed to computers and phones.

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