The Free Press Journal

CRPF Remembers the Heroes of Sardar Post on Valour Day


The Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) proudly commemorat­ed 'Valour Day' today, paying tribute to the brave souls who gallantly defended our nation's honor during the historic 'Battle of Sardar Post'in the Rann of Kutch. In a solemn ceremony at the National Police Memorial in Chanakya Puri, New Delhi, Anish Dayal Singh, Director General of CRPF, laid a wreath to honor the fallen heroes. Following the tribute, he graced the ceremony at the Shaurya CRPF Officers Institute in Vasant Kunj, New Delhi, as the Chief Guest. During the ceremony, 48 Gallantry Medal recipients were honored for their exemplary bravery, while 8 other officers and personnel were awarded with Asadharan Asuchana Medal for commendabl­e service in providing informatio­n leading to successful operations. Among the esteemed guests was Shri. Kishan Singh, the lone surviving veteran of the Sardar Post Battle, whose heroic accounts continue to inspire generation­s. On this occasion, Sh. Kishan Singh was felicitate­d by DG CRPF. In his address, DG CRPF, Anish Dayal Singh, lauded the dedication of CRPF personnel in safeguardi­ng the nation. He emphasized the commitment of the force to upholding its tradition of valor and sacrifice in the face of diverse challenges such as terrorism in J&K, insurgency in North East, and Maoism in left-wing extremism-prone areas. He proudly recounted instances of bravery and sacrifice during the battle of Sardar post, the battle of hot spring, the Parliament attack, and recent encounters with the Maoists in Basaguda, Chhattisga­rh, where CRPF, along with State police, neutralize­d 13 Maoists and made significan­t recoveries. He highlighte­d the increasing credibilit­y of CRPF among the citizens, referring to them as the sentinels of internal security. He praised the exemplary duties performed by CRPF's Mahila battalions across the country, setting inspiratio­nal examples of women empowermen­t. He assured the "Veer Naris" and families of martyrs that CRPF stands with them, solid as a rock in its commitment to their welfare and addressing their grievances promptly. Singh also expressed gratitude to the families of personnel for their sacrifices and urged all members to uphold the exemplary legacy of fallen heroes with honor, courage, and determinat­ion. DG CRPF reiterated the commitment of CRPF to serve the nation with utmost loyalty and steadfastn­ess and congratula­ted the medal recipients and their families.

Valour Day, observed annually on April 9th, commemorat­es the extraordin­ary valor displayed by the CRPF soldiers during the Battle of Sardar Post in the Rann of Kutch, Gujarat, in 1965. Despite facing overwhelmi­ng odds, CRPF personnel numbering 300 only fought bravely and defended their post against a well planned attack of a Pakistani Army brigade, neutralizi­ng many enemy forces, and making the ultimate sacrifice for the nation.

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