The Free Press Journal

‘US will encourage India-Pak dialogue’

- PTI /

The US will encourage India and Pakistan to avoid escalation and resolve their outstandin­g issues through dialogue and will "not get in the middle of the situation," a top State Department official has said.

Defence Minister Rajnath Singh last week said that if terrorists try to disturb peace in India or carry out terror activities, a befitting response will be given and if they run away to Pakistan, India will enter the neighbouri­ng country to kill them, referring to New Delhi's assertive approach to deal with cross-border terrorism.

"We have been following the media reports about this issue. We don't have any comment on the underlined allegation­s," State Department spokespers­on Matthew Miller said on Monday when asked about media reports that Indian government agents allegedly carried out assassinat­ions inside Pakistan.

Miller said that while the US was not going to "get in the middle of this situation", it would "encourage both sides to avoid escalation and find a resolution through dialogue".

Responding to Rajnath Singh's comments, Pakistan has criticised his provocativ­e statement and said it stands resolute in its intent and ability to safeguard its sovereignt­y. A statement by the Foreign Office on April 6 said that Pakistan has always demonstrat­ed its commitment to peace in the region but its desire for peace should not be misconstru­ed.

"History attests to Pakistan's firm resolve and ability to defend itself," the Pakistani Foreign Office said in a statement while criticisin­g India's ruling dispensati­on for resorting to hateful rhetoric for election gains.

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