The Free Press Journal

Rafah invasion on cards

Netanyahu has escalated pledge to invade Gaza city despite US warning

- AP /

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has escalated his pledge to invade the southern Gaza city of Rafah, which is filled with around 1.4 million Palestinia­ns, most of whom are displaced from other parts of the Gaza Strip.

"It will happen. There is a date," Netanyahu said in a video statement on Monday, without elaboratin­g.

The United States, Israel's closest ally, has said a ground operation into Rafah would be a mistake and has demanded to see a credible plan to protect civilians. Netanyahu spoke as Israeli negotiator­s are in Cairo discussing internatio­nal efforts to broker a cease-fire deal with the Palestinia­n militant group Hamas.

Israeli troops withdrew Sunday from Khan Younis, another city in southern Gaza, ending a key phase of the war. Defense officials say they're regrouping ahead of a push into Rafah. Palestinia­ns who visited Khan Younis on Monday said the city is now unlivable, offering them little immediate chance to return.

Many have been sheltering in Rafah.


Egyptian officials said on Tuesday that mediators have presented a new cease-fire proposal to Hamas and Israel that would include a six-week pause in fighting and a swap of 40 Hamas-held hostages for at least 700 Palestinia­ns imprisoned by Israel.

The proposal was presented to delegation­s from Hamas and Israel during the latest round of negotiatio­ns in Cairo over the weekend, according to the officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss the negotiatio­ns.

Among the Palestinia­n prisoners to be freed would be dozens convicted of killing Israelis during attacks by militant groups.

The officials said Hamas would be required to provide a list of the hostages it will release, as well as a list of Palestinia­n prisoners whose freedom it seeks.

The proposal also includes the return of a significan­t number of Palestinia­ns to northern Gaza. Hundreds of thousands of Palestinia­ns fled the northern half of Gaza in the early stages of the war, heeding Israeli evacuation orders. The vast majority of Gaza's 2.3 million people are now crammed into the southern half.

The proposal stipulates that Israel gradually dismantle checkpoint­s it had built on a new road that split the strip in half to prevent the return of Palestinia­ns to the north.

Hamas has said it is reviewing the proposal.


Foreign Minister Israel Katz says Israel is preparing a ban on products from Turkey after Ankara announced it was restrictin­g exports to Israel.

Turkey said earlier on Tuesday it is restrictin­g exports of dozens of products to Israel, including aluminum, steel, constructi­on products and chemical fertilizer­s. It said it would continue the measures until Israel declares a cease-fire and allows the uninterrup­ted flow of aid to Gaza.

 ?? ?? Smoke billows during Israeli strikes on Rafah in Gaza Strip on Tuesday
Smoke billows during Israeli strikes on Rafah in Gaza Strip on Tuesday

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