The Free Press Journal

BJP is making nonsense to divert attention from Modi’s failure: Cong


Chhattisga­rh Bharatiya Janata Party is misreprese­nting the statement of Leader of Opposition Dr. Charandas Mahant to divert attention from Modi's 10 years of failures and issues of public interest alleged, Chhattisga­rh Pradesh Congress Committee, Communicat­ion Department Chairman

Sushil Anand Shukla.

The BJP is running away from discussing the issues raised by Leader of Opposition Mahant, he added.

The Prime Minister is not a secret that talking about him and questionin­g him will cause any harm. BJP should stop doing gimmicks to get cheap publicity. The one who is unable to discharge his obligation­s is called a defaulter. A person who is unable to meet his set target is also called a defaulter. Leader of Opposition Dr. Charandas Mahanta has also called Modi a defaulter regarding this failure, this is not an unparliame­ntary word. BJP is making it an issue to divert attention from Modi’s failures, he alleged. Shukla said that the Prime Minister also did not fulfill most of the promises made to the public in the 2014 and 2019 Lok Sabha elections. Now, there is no discussion on it. He claimed that the Prime Minister did not fulfill even a single promise during his 10 years in office. In the 2014 and 2019 Lok Sabha elections, the promises made were will reduce inflation in 100 days, Rs 15 lakh will come into the account of the people, diesel and petrol prices will be reduced, provide employment to two crore youth every year, will double the income of 5 farmers by 2022, support price of agricultur­al produce will be one and a half times the cost, Black money will be brought from abroad, 100 smart cities will be built, all MPs will adopt a village and modernize it, and by 2022, every homeless person in the country will have his own house.

Now BJP leaders shy away from talking about Modi’s promises. Whenever an account of the work done by the Modi government over the years is sought, the BJP people start making false statements. The public will take account of each and every promise of Modi and BJP in this election. This violation of the promise made to the public is nothing less than a default, he added.

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