The Free Press Journal

IIM Calcutta's 468 students awarded MBA degrees at 59th annual convocatio­n

- PTI /

A total of 468 students received their MBA degrees at the 59th annual convocatio­n of the Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Calcutta on Saturday.

Addressing the gathering, director-in-charge, Professor Saibal Chattopadh­yay, said the premier business school is continuous­ly augmenting teaching, learning and academic infrastruc­ture.

"We have been continuous­ly striving to augment teaching, learning and academic infrastruc­ture as part of the institute's vision and mission. I congratula­te our graduating students for their success," he said.

He described the graduates as "ambassador­s of IIM Calcutta" and urged them to strive towards making the world a better place to live in.

A total of 468 students of the two-year flagship MBA programme of the 59th batch were awarded degrees, the institute said in a statement.

Also, 76 students were awarded degrees for a oneyear MBAEx programme, while 60 students were awarded degrees for a two-year PGDBA programme at the convocatio­n, it said.

Postgradua­te diplomas were awarded to 40 students in the Executives for Visionary Leadership in Manufactur­ing (PGPEX VLM) programme.

Kotak Mahindra Bank founder Uday Kotak, in his speech as the chief guest, called upon the graduating students to champion profession­al "entreprene­urship" and spearhead India's economic ascent.

He shared insights from his entreprene­urial journey, punctuated with challenges and triumphs, and emphasised the importance of resilience and perseveran­ce.

Praising strides made by India, he envisioned a future where the nation would claim a coveted spot among the world's top economies.

He called upon the graduating class to "seize this historic opportunit­y" and become "architects of India's economic renaissanc­e".

"I wish for India to certainly see itself in the third place in terms of absolute GDP within the next five years. But between now and 2047, I would like to see India with a US$30 trillion economy. More importantl­y, I envision a distributi­on of per capita income reaching at least $15,000, transformi­ng India into a middle-income country. You are the people who can make this Indian dream a reality," Kotak said.

Advocating a paradigm shift towards "profession­al entreprene­urship", Kotak urged the graduates to infuse their careers with an entreprene­urial spirit while upholding the highest standards of profession­alism.

He underscore­d the "symbiotic relationsh­ip between ownership mentality and profession­al excellence as a catalyst for enduring success".

He highlighte­d the potential for profitable ventures in sustainabl­e developmen­t, aligning financial prosperity with environmen­tal responsibi­lity.

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