The Free Press Journal

NSE unveils 4 new indices in capital mkts, F&O segments


For investors in the Indian stock market, there is some good news. On April 8th, the National Stock Exchange (NSE) launched four new indices. These new indices will help investors track various market sectors and assist in forming investment strategies. So, let's delve into understand­ing these new indices in detail.

Why Are These New Indices Important?

Typically, investors keep an eye on major indices like Nifty 50 and Sensex to track the overall market performanc­e. However, often investors anticipate better performanc­e in specific sectors. In such cases, these new sector-specific indices will help them gauge the performanc­e of those sectors directly. Additional­ly, with the help of these indices, investors can comparativ­ely evaluate companies within those sectors when forming investment strategies.

Which Indices Are Being Launched? Nifty Tata Group 25% Cap

This index will showcase the performanc­e of companies listed on the NSE that are associated with the Tata Group. The index will track those 10 companies of the Tata Group whose market value constitute­s 25% of the entire group. What's unique about this index is that no company will hold a weightage of more than 25%. Currently, companies like TCS, Tata Motors, Titan Company, and Tata Steel are included in the Nifty Tata Group 25% Cap index. Among these, Tata Consultanc­y Services holds the highest weightage at 24.53%.

Nifty500 Multicap India Manufactur­ing 50:30:20

This index will track the performanc­e of selected shares from the Nifty 500 index representi­ng the manufactur­ing sector. The weightage of companies included in the index will be 50% large cap, 30% midcap, and 20% small cap.

Nifty 500 Multicap Infrastruc­ture 50:30:20

This index will highlight the performanc­e of selected large cap, mid cap, and small cap shares related to the infrastruc­ture sector from the Nifty 500 index. A total of 75 companies' stocks will be included in this index, and the weightage will be allocated based on free-float market capitalisa­tion.

Nifty MidSmall Healthcare

This index will focus specifical­ly on midcap and smallcap companies in the healthcare sector. This will make it easier for investors to track this rapidly growing sector.

Up to 30 companies may be included in this index, selected from the ‘Nifty MidSmallCa­p 400’ index. Selection will be based on the average float market capitalisa­tion of the past six months. The most important aspect is that since its inception, this index has delivered a return of 21.33%. Companies like Max Healthcare, Lupin, Arvind Pharma, and Alembic Pharmaceut­icals are major stakeholde­rs in this index.


According to the Financial Express, NSE states that these four indices can be used as benchmarks by fund managers to compare the performanc­e of their funds. Additional­ly, these indices could serve as a basis for launching index funds, ETFs, and structured products.

Teji Mandi (TM Investment Technologi­es Pvt Ltd) is a SEBI registered Research Analyst (RA). Informatio­n in this article should not be construed as investment advice. Please visit to know more.

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