The Free Press Journal

Growel’s Mall under pressure from BMC to handover DP road


The BMC has issued two notices to Growel’s 101 mall in Kandivali East, which reported last quarter earnings of Rs40 crore, demanding the handover of a developmen­t plan (DP) road. Despite this, the mall management has not responded to these requests. Now, the BMC has written to the mall management, requesting the immediate submission of the design for a proposed 60ft access road. The mall had previously committed to providing this design within two days, as a temporary substitute for the DP road, but has failed to follow through.

Kandivali residents have been pushing for the opening of the DP road passing through Growels 101 mall. Attention has now shifted to a promised 60ft substitute road that would benefit motorists traveling from Akurli road to the Western Express Highway.

On March 15, north Mumbai Member of Parliament Gopal Shetty convened a meeting with mall authoritie­s, the BMC officials, and traffic police. During this meeting, Shetty directed the mall to remove its gates and ensure a continuous road to the highway.

Despite commitment­s made during the meeting, where the mall agreed to prepare and submit a design within two days and make the road operationa­l within fifteen days, progress has stalled. Nearly a month later, the mall has neither opened the road nor submitted the design to the BMC.

Following a reminder from the Lokhandwal­a Residents Associatio­n (LRA) of Kandivali East to assistant municipal commission­er Lalit Talekar, the BMC has written directly to M/s Grauer & Weil (India) Ltd, owners of the mall, urging them to submit the design plan promptly and discuss future steps.

The letter, written by assistant engineer (maintenanc­e) Hemant Pant of the R-south ward, highlights the mall’s commitment­s and the urgency of the situation. Despite these reminders and notices, the mall’s director, Yogesh Samat, has not responded to inquiries.

This delay is compoundin­g traffic issues for Kandivali East, Borivali, and Malad residents. Shishir Vivekanand Shetty, founder of LRA, expressed frustratio­n with the lack of progress, noting that neither the BMC nor the mall has provided concrete answers or solutions promised previously.

The letter said, “It was stated [by the mall] that a complete drawing showing access to Western Express Highway to the lane adjoining VIP House and Akurli Road will be submitted to BMC. However, till date, the same has not been received to this office.” Through the letter, the BMC requested the mall to submit the design and also asked to treat it as “most urgent”.

The FPJ contacted Yogesh Samat, director of the Growels 101 mall, who did not respond to the newspaper’s repeated calls and messages.

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