The Free Press Journal

Ukraine denies drone strikes on major N-plant

- AP / Kyiv

A senior Ukrainian official has denied Russian accusation­s that his country's army fired exploding drones at Europe's largest nuclear power plant, which the Kremlin's forces have been occupying and running in southern Ukraine since shortly after the war began more than two years ago.

Andrii Yusov, the spokespers­on for Ukraine's military intelligen­ce agency suggested there had been no attack, saying Russian forces routinely fabricate strikes on the Zaporizhzh­ia Nuclear Power Plant. However, the strikes on this occasion were confirmed by UN's atomic watchdog agency, though it didn't attribute responsibi­lity for the attack to either side.

The plant has repeatedly been caught in the crossfire since Russia launched its fullscale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 and seized the facility shortly after. The Internatio­nal Atomic Energy Agency, a UN body, has frequently expressed alarm about the facility amid fears of a potential nuclear catastroph­e.

The plant's six reactors have been shut down for months, but it still needs power and qualified staff to operate crucial cooling systems and other safety features.

The UN's atomic watchdog agency on Sunday confirmed drone strikes on one of the plant's six reactors, causing one casualty.

The IAEA team did not observe structural damage to the "systems, structures and components" important to the nuclear safety of the plant, it said. They reported superficia­l scorching to the top of a reactor dome.

The damage "has not compromise­d nuclear safety, but this is a serious incident (with the) potential to undermine (the) integrity of the reactor's containmen­t system," the IAEA said on X, formerly Twitter.

IAEA chief Rafael Mariano Grossi said the main reactor containmen­t structures took at least three direct hits. "This cannot happen," he said on X.

Zaporizhzh­ia is one of four regions that Russia illegally annexed in September 2022.

The Institute for the Study of War, a think tank based in US, said Russian authoritie­s are seeking "to use Russia's control over the (plant) to force internatio­nal organizati­ons to legitimize Russia's occupation of the (plant).

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