The Free Press Journal

Police gets vital medical training


The Indian Red Cross Society District Branch on Monday organised a first aid and treatment training to the police personnel at Police Lines, Bemetara.

Secretary cum Chief Medical and Health Officer Dr. Sant Ram Churendra stated that first aid and treatment training is being organized in four phases, under which the second phase of training will be organized on April 9, the third phase on April 15 and the fourth phase on April 16.

District Collector Ranbir Sharma encouraged the police staff to pay special attention to their own health and to take food on time. If the police force remains healthy, it will be easier to provide better services to the common people and provide first aid in emergency situations. Treatment training is also important for themselves, so that they can provide first aid assistance to themselves and the general public when needed. Along with it, in case of dog bite, snake bite and accident, any kind of first aid help can be given immediatel­y to the victim due to bleeding. There is a need to learn carefully, so that the victim can be saved from the risk of reaching the hospital.

Superinten­dent of Police Ramakrishn­a Sahu said that in case of any health emergency, the police is the first to reach.

Therefore, first aid training to the police personnel, which includes CPR (Cardiopulm­onary Resuscitat­ion) in accident cases, in case of fracture, making the victim sit in the vehicle instead of lifting him, etc., all those steps are important. Pay attention to these small things. By following it, many lives can be saved from danger, hence first aid training is necessary for every police personnel.

Upendra Singh Sengar, District Organizer, Indian Red Cross Society, it was said that in the first phase of first aid training, training was provided to 50 police personnel of the district, in the same sequence, training was given in batches of 50 each will be undertaken in other phases. Will be supplied.

Master trainer for the training program was Dr. Raina Agarwal and M.D. Medicine Dr. Naresh Jagade.

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