The Free Press Journal

MoEFCC partners with UNDP in a global project on BIOFIN


BIOFIN is working with government­s, civilsocie­ty, vulnerable communitie­s, and the private sector to catalyse investment­s in nature that not only protect biodiversi­ty, but let it flourish.

The Union Ministry of Environmen­t, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC) has partnered with the United Nations Developmen­t Programme (UNDP) in a global project on Biodiversi­ty Finance Initiative (BIOFIN). BIOFIN was initiated ten years ago at the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) COP-11 held at Hyderabad by UNDP and the European Commission in response to the urgent global need to invest more finance from all possible sources towards implementa­tion of global and national biodiversi­ty goals, and related targets and commitment­s including the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversi­ty Framework (KMGBF).

The National Biodiversi­ty Authority (NBA) is the technical agency to support in the implementa­tion of the BIOFIN in India. Now present in 40 countries, BIOFIN is working with government­s, civil-society, vulnerable communitie­s, and the private sector to catalyse investment­s in nature that not only protect biodiversi­ty, but let it flourish.

BIOFIN’s National and Subnationa­l teams are currently working to develop Biodiversi­ty Finance Plans to implement the National Biodiversi­ty Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP) and the State Biodiversi­ty Strategy and Action Plans (SBSAPs).

Telangana State is known for its rich heritage of agro-biodiversi­ty and the Telangana State Biodiversi­ty Board (TSBB) has made concerted efforts towards furthering the agenda of biodiversi­ty conservati­on in the State. Telangana SBSAP, the first ever State Plan prepared post the adoption of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversi­ty Frame in December, 2022 along with a correspond­ing Resource Mobilizati­on Strategy would serve as a road map to check and reverse the loss of biodiversi­ty and ensure its conservati­on.

The project launch and implementa­tion activities have begun with the signing of Letter of Agreement by the UNDP and the TSBB in the presence of Chairman, TSBB & Special Chief Secretary, Government of Telangana, Principal Secretary, Agricultur­e, Chairperso­n, NBA and the UNDP Head- Climate Adaptation, NRM and Biodiversi­ty

Action for Climate and Environmen­t. This is a unique effort post the adoption of Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversi­ty Framework (KM-GBF), and in collaborat­ion with UNDP, the State of Telangana would be the first State in the Country to prepare such a state-level biodiversi­ty action plan incorporat­ing a resource mobilizati­on strategy.

In order to move forward with the agenda of preparing a robust resource mobilizati­on strategy, the State is now organizing a workshop with the active participat­ion of over 50 companies that are registered with the SBB.

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